(To enlarge the funny picture, click the cockroach's pointy butt)
Bizarro is brought to you today by the Reproductive Cycle of the Beetle.
This cartoon was particularly fun to research and draw as I'm a fan of insects in general. I don't like the harmful ones, like mosquitoes, lice, ticks (technically an arachnid), etc., but the rest are always welcome in my presence.
A few years back, CHNW and I spent a couple of months in Costa Rica in a hut in the jungle. Brought my computer and some art supplies and just worked my regular daily schedule there, uploading my work via a very unreliable internet connection (our only electronic convenience). Very large and strange insects used to wander through our living and cooking area daily and we really enjoyed the visits. I quickly learned to get all my computer work done by day, as the glow of the screen at night would attract swarms of flying buzzies. By the time we got back to Brooklyn, my keyboard and screen were both speckled with dead bugs, like a smiling biker's teeth after a road trip.
We both remember a large preying mantis that landed on CHNW's shoulder and turned back and forth, alternately challenging us both with his kung fu magic. Except for the ne'er-do-well vagabonds we rented our apartment to trashing the place and skipping out on half the rent while we were gone, it was a great trip.
Until next time, keep the ants off of your uncles...
Wow. the bug in the hand behind the "always welcome" link.. is it for real?
Yup, totally real, although that isn't me holding it. The bugs in Costa Rica aren't quite this large. I think this one is from somewhere around Indonesia.
Moths are cute.
I like the bug that was linked with the huge antennae. Bugs with huge antenna are funny for some reason.
hahaha scrunch
Loving it! It made my ROF LOL when I read it in the funny papers. My Dear Husband just cancelled the Dallas Morning News Sunday subscription, so I guess I'll have to find a newspaper with Bizarro online to enjoy you or read the blog daily. Keep it up. You make me LOL often.
Much to the chagrin of my wife, I have always supported a catch and release program for the bugs in our house... until I was in the Bahamas. While walking down the hall to my bedroom there was a tarantula coming out (assuming to get another beer). I'll blame the island fever, but out came the Tupperware bowl, several huge books, and a jug of bug spray. Trap with bowl, tilt bowl and spray, place books on top of bowl, wait two days...
Then perhaps you, like my girlfriend, thought (will think if you see it) that the aliens in District 9 are cute. I mean I sympathized with them, and the little "son" alien was cute, but in general they were really creepy to me.
That giant bug on the hand is still giving me the creeps. Bugs are cool to me, so long as I don't have to touch them.
I like most insects so long as they aren't in our house or in my hair (which tends to act as a net). Bees and wasps can expect to die if I even THINK they're near me.
Also, I think the lovers in the comic are asking the wrong type of insect for help...
Why was there a stick of dynomite behind the couch?
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