What's funnier than caveman violence? A lot of things, but today's cartoon is about caveman violence anyway.
I guess this joke comes from the recent economic catastrophe, known in some corners as The Bush Legacy, and while there is nothing funny about so many people being out of work, maybe a recently laid off employee might look at this cartoon and say to him or herself, "well, at least I didn't get clubbed or speared." Or perhaps even, "At least I don't have to go around in a one-shoulder dead animal skin and get an uneven tan. At least not yet, anyway."
Keep in mind that during the Great Depression, things were even worse than this and FDR brought us out of it with government spending, which Republicans (who pushed us into that one, too) decried as insanity. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it and here we are again. But things are beginning to turn around. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a quick recovery. It took 8 years to bury the country this deep, it's going to take more than a few months to dig it out.
P.S. I think I used that photo that is beneath the "Talent Portion" link above before, but it's so great, I decided to use it again.
Until tomorrow, smile with every lip on your face...
This may be a joke, but a friend tells me there is a theme restaurant in Florida called something like "The Cave" wherein the wait staff are required to wear real-fur caveman costumes while they serve meat on the bone 'cooked as it was cooked at the dawn of mankind!' All the meat is served on stone platters, and the beer (and coffee and soft drinks -- they cheated) is served in stone containers. I don't know about the utensils, if there are any.
At any rate, the friend says his brother was fired as a waiter at this place and the manager demanded jokingly that he 'turn in his loin cloth.' He did, on the spot, in the middle of the dinner hour, and he wasn't wearing any underwear.
The carnivorous customers were presented with 'meat' of a different kind, as well as a view of the full moon on a cloudy night.
Fortunately, he wasn't clubbed as he left the premises.
Amen to that.
I have fixed the first link in this post. Thanks to all of you who alerted me.
Thank you for saying it for me. I have to tell you that in the Republican stronghold Nebraska of my youth (and continuing today), FDR was cursed regularly. However, the cursers happily went to the WPA-built swimming pool, community hall and park. The farmers gladly accepted soil bank money and sold crops to the government for storage to support the market price (which the grain holders secretly sold to Korea). But still these heartlanders vote against "big government" intrusion into their lives. Go figure.
Thanks for fixing it. Great pic! Worth the wait.
First... I love the quote from ________ (???) "I would never want to be a member of a club that would want me to be a member." Thus I hope I do not become a member of the Bush unemployed club. (They are calling and mailing and mailing and calling....)
Second... It takes more than a couple of months to fix 8 years of stupid.
It took longer than 8 years; this country's been heading down the wrong path for the past 30-40 years, so there are more people than Bush to blame, and they belong to BOTH political parties.
I just feel bad that you think we need the government to have too much power to fix things. You didn't want to give up your freedoms when a republican was in office, why do you want to know that a democrat is in office?
@ June: very true, and hearing veterans and Medicare recipients scream that they want to keep the government out of their government health care program is particularly, uh, 'piquant.' You don't know whether to laugh or cry, or both at the same time.
Yes, the pic of the talent portion of the show was well worth the wait. Hilarious!
Hey Waldo, I'm pretty sure that that is a Groucho Marx Quote, but not 100%. Sure sounds like something he would say though.
That photo of Bush makes me vomit.
Asshat. I utterly loathe him and what he represents.
Hahahaha, classic and original!
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