(To view this cartoon LIFESIZE! click on the spittoon.)
Bizarro is today brought to you by YouKnowWhatTheySay...
I don't have a car, but if I did, it would likely be a hybrid. I don't have a horse, either, but I think a horsepig would be a fun ride. One would certainly get lots of stares and you couldn't ask for a better conversation starter.
I'm one of those people who likes things that are different from the norm, so the horsepig would appeal to me, regardless of its relatively ungraceful appearance. But that would only be until they caught on and everyone had one, then I'd move on to something else. What I'd really dig would be a horsechicken. Think of the pecking power a beast like that would have.
"I'm one of those people who likes things that are different from the norm..."
If you were in LA then a Prius would be out...
fyi. a diesel gets better mileage and the engine will last longer than any hybrid on the market. you can even convert them to run on bio-juice as well. :)
I like hybrids. The cartoon brings to mind some interesting questions. Would it be called a pigorse or a horpig or a hogorse or horsehog, and do you get one horse power or one pig power out of it?
I just hope after shitting, that it doesn’t lay down and roll over in its own feces, when you’re riding it (or any other time for that matter:-)
So if you have no car, how do you get around?? Just curious.. haha
Well, for eight years (and longer, actually) we've had a wild ride on a bull elephant and now we're waiting for a donkey, AKA a domesticated ass, to get us where we want to go.
On this particular ride, maybe we need a third kind of animal, such as a combination of a wise old owl and a Labrador Retriever, something that will be loyal, smart, tenacious in achieving its goal, far-seeing, and totally unconcerned with cash contributions, although we'd have to hide the rubber balls and Milk Bones when it's around. So far as I can see, this hybrid does not yet exist.
I know, SF, too. It would be difficult to force myself to drive a Prius for that very reason. :)
"happier than a pig in shit" is a myth. Pigs are actually very sanitary and will not crap where they sleep, eat, or anything else. The roll in mud to cool off and to protect their skin from insects and the sun, but never in shit.
@ Laura...
bicycle, motorcycle, subway, feet, taxi, bus...
did you get a tax credit for that?
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