Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comedy and Tragedy

This makes me laugh and cry simultaneously.


Gary Hilson said...

Glad to see the school system is keeping America's youth bright.

Jeff said...

that's really sad... this is a perfect example of how religion divides people, even at a early age. i'll bet her parents are proud of her for NOT making friends.

Lauren said...

so does she think everyone with dark skin is from africa? wow that's so pathetic, you know when those girls get a little older they might open their minds more and realize how cruel and ignorant they are...

Karl said...

What if Dick Cheney had these two girls working at Guantanamo? All the prisoners would be converted to Christianity by now. By comparison, water-boarding would no longer be considered torture.

JohnM said...

How did you find that video? It's quite powerful. It convinced me to Hinduism. I may even make a pilgrimage to Africa.

Matt said...

Is that for real? Are these girls really THAT dumb?

Anonymous said...

I got about a minute in before I decided I couldn't bear to watch.

Ben said...

It's clearly a parody.

Ben said...

Yeah, it's a joke for sure. Watch this one and see:

nomzod said...

I love "one Indian one, and one regular one"

(Hey, go to PBS and see "Sita Sings the Blues." It's the story of the Ramyana, done to 1920's blues.)

AbbotOfUnreason said...

Please don't post any more of these things. They make me cry.

Tegin said...

"two friends, one regular one and one, ehm, one indian one"

what a wonderful world we have!
In my country, this kind of stuff is the same way, and in some particullar cases I think we're even in a worse situation in what reffers to tolerance than in some of the rest of the countries.

Ray Avito said...

I knew this was going to be special when she opened with "one regular one and one Indian one." It was very fitting that the video was shot off kilter.

Michael R pdx said...

Sarah is so polite and tolerant.

Unknown said...

I can't even get past the first 5 minutes for a multitude of reasons the least of which is the constant use of the filler "like." I know that in my teenage years I was one to do something similar, but I have Come to the point in my life where I use the word for it's intended meaning. as a comparison, or to show approval. The religious aspect of it simply kills my soul a little bit at a time to see such young children abused by their parents. No child should be subjected to a religious teaching until their brains are mature enough to reason and question. To teach religion before reason, is a form of child abuse. What an adult does with their own mind is completely up to them.

Michael R pdx said...

To Troll or Not to Troll, that is the Internet question.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of why the rest of the world can't stand Americans!

I can't stand people who are so stuck on their own religious belief that they put down and belittle other religions. Wake up people!!! Not everyone is a Christian!!! America is not a Christin only country!! We have Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and people who don't believe anything at all!

Nowax said...

I really don't think this is real. But if it is, by some chance, real: (shudder!).

Otherwise, these girls are genius at how they've picked up on the hypocrisy and stupidity of American Christian fundamentalism and delivered it in a way that showcases how insane some Christian viewpoints come across to non-Christians, and our insular attitudes toward other cultures.

Although, frankly I believe that all Zombies should be shot in the head on sight, not to mention deported.

Garrett Williams said...

I only got to 2:18 before the stupid burned too much. Seriously, arguing about what her ethnicity is? Those two are both culturely insensitive and culturely dumb.

(Spell check says "culturely" is not a word, but I say it is, so that's good enough.)

Anonymous said...

I went through all 8 pages of comments just to confirm she's a troll.

Even knowing she's just vying for attention, I felt worse after reading all the comments from people who've really met people like this.

Also, I think my ears aren't going to stop bleeding for some time yet. Thank you. Thank you very much.



Thomas B said...

Wow, Dan. The ignorance on display here is mind-blowing! I feel sorry for her Indian "friend." It's like she's been ambushed by self-centred and smug little trolls who obviously know what's "what" because they're snot-nosed suburban white Christians. Heart-breaking stuff.

Xyzzyspoon! said...

This is probably the stupidest video I have ever seen with the stupidest ppl in it. The Indian girl is so stupid she can't even stand her ground on being a hindu! The other two are just ignorant fools who think all asians are Chinky! The comment above me says the modern school systems are keeping these kids sharp! Well my friend I am afraid to say its not so. People who cant find continents on the world map and think Europe is next to miami, are as backward as people during the stone age. Well to the author of this video (the girl in the middle), there are other religions in this world who believe in their own god(s). There is no proof that jesus is god or son of god. Long before Christianity came into existence there were people who used to worship the nature. These were called pagans.
Nobody knows if there is a heaven or hell. The entire population "believes" what has been told to them by their parents, church, temples etc, the same way a few hundred years ago people used to "believe" that earth is flat! Its high time people stop believing in all this mythological bullshit and do some real work to make this world a better place. Wars are fought because of this stupidity killing millions of people. Nobody has seen god and there is no proof of it and still billions believe in it! The word FAITH has become overused to backup you blind faith.
Anyways, I could go on about this for hours. Its not a mistake if you are born in a particular part of the world where they believe in Buddha or Krishna or Jesus. These imaginary people were fabricated from the imagination of powerful people of olden times to control masses by putting the fear of god in them.

I didn't want to say this but it’s the white people in general who love making other people their slaves. Your forefathers have committed genocide on foreign lands to satisfy their own comforts. Shame on you!

Well the summary of all this is stop discriminating people on the basis of who/what they believe in. The real god (A supernatural power (may be), beyond the understanding of unimportant creature like us humans, who has created the universe that we know) may as well be a cube! Or a tree! Or might be outside our reach and doesn’t give a shit about what you pray for. If the Indian girl believes in Krishna (Because her parents asked her to), let her. And you continue to believe in Jesus (Coz your parents asked you to!)..Its too late for changing your blind faiths in your respective religions. I hope you can see through all this religious bullshit and do some real good to this world. (and get some real education so that you can spot other countries on the map!)
I know you are not going to approve this comment. So this information is for you!

Roger the Shrubber said...

I wish the Indian had explained to them reincarnation. That would have blown their tiny little minds.

Anonymous said...

It needed two of them to so at least 2 brain cells could interact...

Laura said...

Shit! That's messed up...

Anonymous said...

@ Gary - America's youth? I thought they were like from Europe - they are like white (Except the one from India - if she's Indian wouldn't she be the American cos I've heard of American Indians too! Aren't Americans sorta like darker in colour? Like, you know, not as dark as Africans, (well some are) but more like Mexicans or like Brazilians? Like, whatever!

And who is Santa Claus? It's Father Christmas!

Now I'm really confused...

Anonymous said...

Silly Molly. All REAL Americans know that Africa is, like, a COUNTRY, not, like, a continent, so, like, how could India be in, like, Africa?

Satire or not, I too couldn't bear to watch more than a couple minutes of this. Even if it is satire, it's too based in reality for me to find amusing.

Anonymous said...

What really impressed me was the civility of Sara throughout. I wished I had had that type of composure at what 12, 14? I'm 40, but I think she would be a cool friend. Kudos to Sara for standing up for herself while still be polite about it! "Look guys, I'm Hindu, okay?" Woohoo! Thanks for the post.
(my word verification by the way was "bonies")

Anonymous said...

What a mess: no cultural education, total misinformation about both religions, racist-we ALL come from Africa! Melanin is so fleeting. One ice age and we're paler than straw. Migrate to Australia and adapt back to black in less than 5000 years. The ignorance is strong in these three. I had no idea India had gotten as bad educationally as California.

BlueRaja said...

Troll troll is troooooll

Penny Mitchell said...

I think I win the prize. I got about five seconds in before I bailed.

Anonymous said...

BlueRaja, the favored expressions were either "obvious troll is obvious" or "successfull troll is successfull" ;)

Alex said...

I'll be honest, this video doesn't make me sad as much as it makes me incredibly angry.

Nowax said...

Came back tonight to see others reactions to this and I'm disturbed that more people couldn't see this was fake and that the authors were trying to make a point.

Have we become that gullible? i guess this explains the anti-health plan town-hall Birther/Death-panelers.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how old these girls are, but that's up there with "The Office" and "Spinal Tap" - genius!

Anonymous said...

Are people not getting this? These girls are brilliant - comedy gold!

Piraro said...

I'm very cynical about things like this and can spot a fake a mile away, but I suspect these girls are for real. Their behavior is uncannily natural. If it truly is a satire, I'm blown away by their brilliance and accuracy. There are very few people who can pull off this kind of authenticity, especially at that age.

Amanda Grace said...

I agree with you Dan that this is not a fake. I checked the girl's youtube page and she posted a response video to this one. She is indeed serious.

I was just like her one point: ignorant and unintentionally racist. I ended up agnostic and married to a Sri Lankan man.

The thing that is really starting to bother me though is not this girl's ignorance but the fact that several people seem to think it's okay to call her a troll. She's a young woman and just because she doesn't feel compelled to pile on the makeup doesn't mean she deserve to be called names. Any comment I read where the person chose to be cruel made me totally discount that person's viewpoint.

I hope that these young people do see the light and realize their close mindedness. I also I hope people who post comments will remember that although the internet ensures anonymity it does not mean that you can be downright rude.

Garrett Williams said...

I don't care if it's acted or real, I still can't handle the amount of stupid in this video.
On the YouTube comments, someone said that they can tell from the girls' own replies that it's satire, but I don't usually like to dive that deeply into YouTube comments.

Anonymous said...

Dan, check out her other vids, "going green with God" is pretty special. It is parody - these girls are that good

Janet said...

I dunno...they seem too young to be anything but sincere...BUT,if you click on "see Mollys' other videos", the take off on An American Teenager is an obvious prank.

KellyM said...

Fake. And still funny. Here is another video with the same cast that is an obvious parody.
Also, in the comments on Pharyngula, someone claiming to be Molly's sister says that “Molly” is an atheist and that they came up with the characters, but did not have a script. Those crazy kids.

marine_explorer said...

Parody or not, those girls really nailed the foggy-headed cultural myopia of home-schooled kids, or even those taught in fundamentalist schools. That's painful to watch!

Anonymous said...

Amanda Grace, I have two things to tell you, and please note I'm saying this to educate you in a certain web culture and not to make fun of you.

First, if you did bother to read the comments to the video posted, you know that both this video and her response video are jokes because she uses phrases and jokes known well to a group online known best as /b/tards. Right down to where she was asked of her views on the Flying Spaghetti Monster and replied "All hail his noodly appendage!".

This also makes her a troll, which is my second issue. "Troll" is in no way referring to her appearance. It's an internet phrase used to refer to someone who posts things simply to get a rise out of people. Calling her a troll is saying she's being ignorant on purpose, or in this case it's another way of saying this video is a fake.

In any case, yes... these girls are just THAT good.

Ingrid said...

Thank you for the civility Amanda. I did the same, scrolled right past the mean and nasty. For the record, I think it is real. So Saraa!

Oh, and if you haven't watched Jesus Camp. Do. It'll open your eyes, too!

David Simoni said...

If I pray for anyone, it will be for the ignorant, intolerant white girls. They're the ones that need saving—from dogma, superstition and ignorance!! I fell in love with this sweet, intelligent Indian girl! Thank Radha, Krishna, Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva she didn't covert :-)

Anonymous said...

this HAS to be stagged. Is it even possible for anyone to be this stupid? As a Christian I found it embarrassing (as did my teen daughters who were dumbfounded anyone could be this stupid) IF it is real then their parents have done about the worst job possible teaching their girls their religion.

Anonymous said...

I'm European, I live in a secular country, by law AND practise--unlike the US. This is outlandish for me. And not the good palm-tree-beach outlandish.

Barbara said...

I dont look at it till the end... the two christian girls are talking allways from going to hell, going to hell, goin to hell... Are they in love with hell or what???