I'm not a huge fan of puns but I like them if they strike me a certain way or carry a good visual. This one seemed
amusing enough to draw up and I liked the result, so I submitted it. Examples of some that I did not draw up: Almond Muhammad, Walnut Jesus, Pecan Vishnu.
On a sad note, I got a couple of complaints from people who felt I was being insensitive to the religious beliefs of others. The kicker is that neither of these writers were Buddhists, they were just assuming that others might be offended. It is my impression that a big part of Buddhism is not letting the nonsense of the world get to you, which I guess is why no actual Buddhists complained.
I also got a letter of complaint from someone who worships peanuts and felt this image was sacrilegious to his belief system, and one from a woman who believes that the creator of the universe was a top hat. These days, everyone is a victim.
As a nut myself, I take offense to this Bizarro.
I dislike the people who were strung out on LSD in the 60's. Cause when they came down from their high and found their way into power somehow everything because offensive. "You can't call that a roach, it might offend the insect world, man".
On the end of a air-hose is a "nipple", no can't call it that it might offend someone.
When you make something is a shop you something use a device named a "jig" to hold it together, not anymore cause "jig" is offensive to someone. Why and who you ask? -- The only answer I got for that one was because "a 'jig' is a dance people of color do". -- The guy was being serious! How does the "jig" used in making furniture equate to a supposed dance? And why is that dance offensive?
At a particular University of California I attended, they wanted to outlaw the word "picnic". Turns out the most popular day on campus "picnic day" was offensive. Why you ask? Because supposedly the word picnic has it's roots in slave auctions. Seems those people who were buying slaves would sit down on a blanket and eat lunch while buying and they would "pick (offensive word here)" and that act of picking got shortened to picnic. --- Wow, someone was born on a turnip truck or smoking something. Maybe if they changed it to "BBQ day" and slaughtered a bunch of animals, would make it less offensive.
Good visual -- but where is the Jelly?
You are not a huge fan of puns? WTF? Have you viewed your own comic?
i emailed this to my cousin andrew, who is buddhist and goes to an ashrom every year in india. one he had never seen your work - which i thought to be preposterous and two he thought it was funnier than hell. a concept i don't think he believes in. but he did say oummmmmmmmmmmmm.
isee3dtoo, ah i spy a fellow aggie. i am offended that you are offended that people are offended with being offended with no real reason to be offended by the involuntary offensive nature of picnic day. i would like to take offense of how offensive my comment may be. on a more offensive note...
i love picnic day, but the last time i attended many many years ago, the youngsters got drunk in the streets and the cops where cracking heads...no fun.
did you know, the town of davis once had black day? (so i was told by a long time resident) the city paniced when every black person in the tri-state area showed up for a good time, the city canceled black day the following year. quite offensive on many many levels...
it was so hard to find good places to eat in davis back in the 90s. there was this one chinese hole in the wall called wok and roll, i remember being so offended when i saw what the proprietors were dishing up as chinese food. i 'woked' right outta there when i saw flies buzzing around the greasy msg slop. some people just need a little enlightenment...
but thanks to the persistent asian invasion from the bay, davis finally got some color in its blood. viva la asians! whoop whoop!!
my stage takeo n peoplefrom the60's
"people from the 60's,woodstcok get over it....let me put that whole event into 2006 perspective......you walked through crap and piss for four days to see sha na na"
I want to know where the heck the alien spaceship is. And the bird. And the stick of dynamite. What gives?
if there is no number above the signature, there may not be any hidden icons. This is one that doesn't have anything hidden so you can stop looking. Actually the peanut is sitting on the bird.
That first "Penny" comment wasn't from me, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, so thank you!
My Mom's cousin is a Buddhist lama. I'm sure he would find your comic,and the peanut one especially, hilarious. One of his favorite sayings is that "everyone is a Buddhist, they just don't know it yet."
Peanut Buddha
There is a Vietnamese Buddhist Temple next door to where I live. They hit drums and sing all day long. Sometimes they do it outside over a loud speaker. One day my neighbor said that they were especially loud, crying out what sounds like gibberish to us non-Vietnamese speaking types and suddenly they said "Happy Birthday Buddha" in english.
They also leave Pecan Pralines (or whatever they're called) cookies beneath his statue. I wonder sometimes if they think Buddha eats them since the cookies disappear by morning or if it is their sly way of feeding the homeless who sleep nearby.
People don't get strung out on LSD. Heroin, sure, but not LSD.
We have political correctness and teh whole "I'm offended at everything" courtesy of Republicans and folks strung out on God.
It's meaningless.
See that? You learn something new every day. All this time and I had no idea that the number had to do with the icons.
Educational, this blog!
as most of you may know my cousin fido from the other side of my family has a gramnpa or as they say in his french family pepere possesses a virgin ass
dont touch the brown acid, champ!
jezzka, (lower case in honor of davis, ca)
if you were there in the 90's i was there when you were there. the blog photo is actually my grandpa, i love the photo so for awhile i am honoring his memory. but i was an aggie from 85-87, 90, 91, 94-98. i didn't eat chinese that much in davis however i loved sophia's thai and dos coyote's mexican. oh i miss good mexican food. too bad east coaster's have no idea what good fresh food tastes like.
don't get me started on how BAD east coast pizza is too! i miss round table pizza, woodstock's, symposium, steve's place, and even mountain mikes. give me a pizza with toppings and a slightly crispy crust not this crap you have to fold. wow i just named five pizza parlors that are better than any in philadelphia and davis only had a population of 50,000 back then.
piraro, i'm guessing the people who said this one was offensive have obviously never read your comic. they have to be completely unaware that a large chunk of your comics poke fun of ALL religions. they also must never have read any comic before, because as far as i know MOST comics are somewhat offensive or poke fun of something or someone.
otherwise, this was a good one. it took me a minute, but that's just because i'm a bit slow in the wee hours of the morning.
dont touch the brown acid champ hahahaha
my guess is sara isnt smart enough to figure out your talking to her ..
my guess is sars blog will be flagged soon
fido aug 008-aug 2008
sayotte aug 2008-sep2008:(
for the record sayotte wrote to me directly also her name is sara....sara however shares the same url as a former blogger
dont people from whiteplains, ny have anything else to do but blog garbage...iknow in ri that is true
Is there a commenter on this blog more judgemental and condescending than shortcake?
Hey - don't confuse me with fido/sayotte. I'M the one you think is from White Plains, wherever the hell that is...
BTW, so far you are batting .000 on the IT detective work, Derek. Maybe a community college course on the side might be in order...
isee3dtoo, i knew it! i can smell an aggie, a mile away, like the cows in terrcero!
i was an aggie from 96-01, you may have seen me scooting around. i had a old lady scooter that i would load up with all my paintings, paint buckets and drafting supplies btwn the art building and walker hall. i was one of those annoying types who was going for two degrees. i figured why not, while i am here, right?
goodness, your comment is bringing back a lot of memories for me. i do recall the campus paper called the aggie did a article on me, since i was a client of the drc. i was famous on campus after my ugly mug was splashed across the papers.
davis was really a comfortable place to live and really isolated from the outside world. woodstocks is great, dos was excellent, sophie's had the best thai ice tea hands down.
yes, i agree, the west coast has the best mexican food. it's because of the mexico / california border. i once asked for a taco here and they held up a fried chimmy-changa looking ball of grease. uhm no, i said taco...haha, i don't even bother anymore. i go back to the bay for my mex and chinese food. one hundred percent in agreeance with you, no one on the east coast understands how real produce is suppose to taste, everything here has this slightly stale, greasy, used oily taste with a side of car exhaust shavings on it.
in terms of west coast pizza, they really do know how to load up the goodies. round table is a childhood fav and north beach pizza has now been my adulthood fav. all goes well with an ice cold root beer. sigh.
thanks for the trip down memory lane.
What compels you to read these complaint letters?
lisa-- am i really that judgmental and condescending? i do not have that intention... i just can't stand when people complain about things they have complete control over (or NO control over). for example, people complain that his panels are offensive to particular religious groups. for one, the bizarro comic is nothing but entertainment. if someone can't realize this, it is their fault for not having a sense of humor. second, they have every right NOT to read the bizarro comic and read something else that suits their own tastes. i think it is disrespectful to come into someone's house and insult their wallpaper, so i can't stand when people come to the bizarro blog JUST to say how bad it is. it's a waste of energy and time for everyone who comes to this blog. i'm an atheist, yet, you don't find me going to christian blogs telling everyone they're wrong and my judgment is better than theirs (which i do not believe at all, btw). i do not mean to come across as condescending.. though that may not sound true. i just find a lot of ignorance on the internet... and perhaps i am only adding to it... but i just get angry sometimes and become irrational, like most human beings. but i've been working on that and i'm sorry that i am perceived as being condescending. i'm actually a very nice person who cares a lot about the people surrounding me, so i take offense when people insult this comic. just standing up for my homie, even though he's a big boy and can defend himself.
shortcake wins!
Finally SOMEONE called out shortcake for her blowhard-ness.
Shortcake - this isn't "someone's house," it is a public blog. If Piraro wanted a private retreat closed to all but those who would compliment him on his every move, he could turn this into an invite-only blog. But he hasn't. And he won't. So knock it off with all the hypocritical statements about not wanting to hear opinions you don't care for, because you would be the first in line to protest if someone told you to keep your opinions to yourself.
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