Congratulations America! Just when we are poised to regain respect around the world, we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Read this brief comparison of what was said at the GOP convention about Palin and Obama to the actual facts.
And this from Time Magazine: "When the Department of the Interior in May listed the polar bear as a threatened species due to warming—an action that could interfere with drilling in Alaska's coastal waters, where the polar bears live —Palin sued the Federal Government in response. "Our main concern with Sarah Palin's positions are that they are based on doing what is best for the oil industry, and not what is best for Americans," says David Willett, national press secretary for the Sierra Club."
Oh my.
I think it's important to have a president that looks good in a bikini.
You know the photo is a fake, right? It's a compelling fake because it speaks to certain underlying truths. But a fake nonetheless. Maybe the one about not being "flat busted" would make a better illustration?
First, for the record, I’m voting Obama/Biden, not McCain/Palin, and also for the record, I think Palin (despite a winning personality) is a terrible candidate for vice-presidential. That being said, I wanted to make one rebuttal, in fairness:
David Willett: “Our main concern with Sarah Palin’s positions are that they are based on doing what is best for the oil industry, and not what is best for Americans.”
I don’t think this is true, or at least, it’s disingenuous. I think her positions are based on bringing money into Alaska, not on pandering to the oil industry per se. She’s opposed the oil industry on some issues. So, rather, Palin is just doing what any governor would do: trying to bring dollars to her state, and trying to increase its importance to the nation as a whole. (With Alaska, good luck! :-P) And she does want to do what she thinks best for certain Americans: Alaskans.
Statements like Willett’s amount to little more than unsubstantiated rhetoric. And we don’t need any more of that on either side, thank you.
P.S. Hilarious picture! Such a shame it’s a fake.
SING IT, Brother Dan!!!!! She thinks it a laff riot to shoot wolves and bear from the air. That's some good, compassionate values there. Boy howdy.
i was so bummed by the smallness and conventionality of it all that i watched all 5 dirty harry movies on amc...good god
her face didn't move much when she spoke. there's a whole lotta botox injected into that noggin.
Alaska should rightfully belong to Canada, but we all know what happened. In any case, if Canada did own Alaska, those polar bears would be saved. I have a different view on the whole matter of the polar bears, but I fear someone would yell at me. :D Boo Palin, but with McCain's wonderful speeches, he could persuade anyone that her shit smells good.
@Lance, yes but this one is real, not much more flattering is it?
Facts don't matter to *most* ( not all ) of the republican electorate. All they know is that she is white, she is charming, she is republican and everything else is evil.
I have a hard time thinking that the person who could be the president enjoys lounging on the dead carcass on an animal. Christians like her think that since the Bible says "Have dominion over the fish in the sea, and over the fowl in the air, and over every living thing that moves on the Earth" he is saying its ok to mercilessly kill them, keep them in cramped cages and drape their dead bodies around your home.
Yeah, I don't think thats what God meant. Especially since in the same passage he is saying that the only thing we're supposed to eat are plants.
Think I've already said what I felt about Palin; she got herself elected governor a a state with a smaller population and a smaller government than my town, which isn't unimpressive, but pretend she's a man, and then compare her resume to any of the other republican VP choices. To me it's sad because she was chosen for her gender, which is ultimately not going to advance the cause of working women in america.
is that what your teacher told you, peaches? you gotta love it when kids can't wait to thrust their newfound "knowledge" on everyone...
I had to look it up. The photo of her with the bearskin rug is real, not Photoshopped. This grizzly was shot by her father. Of the 1,300 or so grizzly bears still on the planet, it's so nice to see her ass planted on one. The giant crab is a lovely touch, too.
To display such cruelty as being enviable and cool just leaves me speechless.
Speaking from Canada, "Good luck with your McCain and Palin problem."
Sounds like everybody needs to take a deep breath and go watch a Sarah Palin Vlog.
Brad, don't laugh. A whole boatload of us might be calling you really soon. Got a couch that will hold millions?
lol fran
are you mad at me and dan for something.....
when you spammedme thanks for picking callahan.....i mentioned callahan rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!
dan is also a fan of john callahans
piraro was going to run an idea today as a mtter of fact that was a derek original but to many edtors refused...callahan would have appreciated that one
hell show you next week.....and hell give credit to all those involved...
so that pic is a fake, huh? that palin broad is still hot!
ben and mike-- that's EXACTLY why she was picked. thanks for representing the male population so well and proving that testosterone will continue to run this country for centuries to come.
i have been disenfranchised for quite some time now, as soon as i found out we had the choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.. so i am pretty sure i'm not voting (as my right to vote, i have the right NOT to vote just the same) for either of them. i'll probably vote for the other stuff on the ballot, but NEITHER of these bozos deserve to be president in my book. obama might live up to his words and make some good changes, but this is hoping his VP has no bearing on his choices. biden is a big proponent of net neutrality. although i agree that filtering internet use in schools and libraries is appropriate, he wants to take away our basic freedoms on the internet. if obama agrees with him on this and makes a move towards his plans, say goodbye to the only operating free market commodity we know. the internet must remain free, and obama/biden may take that away from us.
i'm not sure who i'm more scared of.. the POW and his new anti-choice pretty lady, or the idealistic young guy and his pro-government hindrance.
shortcake, McCain's a POW? Really?
Wow, he sure never mentions it.
Wake up, America. The 2000 election was stolen via the Supreme Court; the 2004 election was stolen via massive voter disenfranchisement/ fraud in Ohio, and now, they're preparing us for (1) dissuading everyone from even voting for Obama or (2) computerized fraud if he wins despite their Nazi tactics.
I'm stunned (and saddened) Dan, that such an amazingly free thinker as yourself would be so easily duped into towing such an insane and insidious mass manipulation.
I've lived in Mexico since 2003, and I am going to California to volunteer for the Obama campaign for an entire month.
What part of "We the people" is so difficult to understand?
I'm going back to sleep.
Man! Poor Sarah Palin! Even Jeremy, who was on my side during the creation/evolution debate, has some harsh words for her!
By the way, a Gallup Poll on Real Clear Politics has McCain up 10% over Obama. Considering that Obama was up in some polls by 8% a couple weeks ago, this 18% bounce is largely attributable to Sarah Palin. I suppose the voters will be the ones to decide if either she or Obama has the experience to be President.
I'm sorry I let you down, Josh. Its the hippie in me, I suppose.
Here is a new tidbit on Gov. Palin:
Cash for wolf legs!
I hope that picture isn't fake! If so, if just experienced fake masterbation.
But seriously folks, you are way over the edge in your predictions of what could happen with Palin as President. The same things were said about George W. Bush and nothing has happpened. We are still at peace. The economy is booming. The warmer weather caused by global warming is helping make nights warmer for those who can find room at the homeless shelter.
Quit over reacting. Everything will be fine.
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