If you find yourself reading this blog regularly and saying quietly within your own mind something like, "That Piraro has real class. I'll bet he'd never sell out," you'd be wrong.
In fact, I recently discovered a need within my own personal life for a space heater. A few years ago I need bar stools, but at the moment, I have plenty of those and it happens to be a space heater that is the object of my desire. Sometimes the space I am occupying is colder than I'd like so a device that would heat that space would be perfect. Then I remembered that a pretty immense website called CSN, which features like 200 different stores that sell just about everything on earth, asked me if I would review a product of theirs. I looked through their site and what do you know? Yes, they have space heaters, a gazillion of them, so I asked them to send one to me to review. The cool part of this transaction is that I get to keep it! It's one of the small perks I get from having a blog that I never make money from. Maybe the only perk, come to think of it. (Anyone interested in having me review health insurance?)
Of course, I could have chosen a clock that has something to do with the water, but I chose a space heater. I just hope it heats small spaces, like the one I'm sitting in now, and not all of space. Like where the planets float. That could be a problem.
I'll let you know which one it does after it arrives.
Corporate sell-out whore!
Just kidding.
I'm partial to the kerosene-fueled heaters because they're infinitely cheaper to run and heat the whole house up, nice and toasty-like
Piraro, I think I speak for most of your readership in saying that we're TOTALLY cool with you selling out and getting some free stuff, just as long as you make sure to be upfront about getting stuff for free when you review it.
Good luck with your space heater!
I am disappointed; I thought your new space heater was going to be a flaming Christmas pudding.
I'm going to have a look on EveryFlamingPudding.com for one I can possibly review and then sell out too.
Too bad you don't live on the west coast -- we had a heater I'd have been happy to give you. We bought a clock from CSN (no, not one to do with water) that has a barometer, thermometer and a hygrometer (or whatever you call the relative humidity thing). It looked great online. When it came, it was kind of cheap looking, the the barometer is metric, the thermometer is always wrong and it runs real slow so the time is never accurate. (I wish I had posted a review online, 'cause I'd have reamed them.) Looks great on the wall, as long as you don't get too close to it to see how cheapo it looks.
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