Mr. Jeremy is mostly retired from porn now, but in the 70s, he was the king. I've not actually seen any of his films and am not even sure if they are available on DVD, having mostly been filmed in the daguerreotype technology of the day.
Like pretty much all famous male porn stars, his claim to fame is the result of a singular genetic condition that, shall we say, sometimes makes it difficult to find slacks that fit properly.
I, too, have trouble finding slacks that fit, but it is because my wallet is so hugely stuffed with money.
He looks annoyed. Maybe one too many dick jokes?
Years ago when I was a flight attendant I had Ron Jeremy on a flight from Dallas to Los Angeles. The flight was delayed (I don't remember why, probably something mechanical), and after some short time, Ron Jeremy (I don't know if you can say his name without saying both together) stormed up front with his bag and announced, "I don't have time for this shit, I have an interview at MSNBC!" Then he rushed off through the jetway.
I guess he found another flight, but we departed shortly thereafter without him.
I suppose I should express more sympathy for my passengers, and I usually do, but it was so surreal I still chuckle to think about it.
despite his 'look', and your smile, i just don't think you're each others type.
great links, as usual
Damn Piraro - you look creepy in that pic.
Re: Missing Ron Jeremy's "15 Minutes"
You didn't miss all that much. Yes, THEN the mensch had all his hair. He hadn't yet "gone-to-pot:" however, he never had the "pulsating star presence" of another east coast "Yid," Harry Reams.
That kid Billy from family circus said piraro is hung longer than both
"...and though I had no idea who he was..."
"...I've not actually seen any of his films..."
Suuuuuure.... >:)
He looks starstruck.
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