Here's another cartoon by my kooky freind, Derek. I tweaked the caption a tiny bit, but it's essentially exactly as he conceived it. I really like this gag, the guard is so sublimely stupid. It causes a chuckling noise to issue forth from my face.
As I said in a previous post, I'm away from home and don't have as much time to post, so this is more brief than usual.
This is reminiscent of the Chocolate News skit from a few weeks ago where the inmate ordered an all-you-can-eat buffet for his last meal, so he has been eating continuously for 2 years or something to postpone his death.
This joke works very well, though, I like it.
hee hee, i giggled too. oklie doklie. yuckers shuckers. gee willykers...
Derek is.......thinner than I expected.
Why didn't he just eat the pie on the floor?
i dont know Dan
trips to San fran
discussing ron jeremy and yours slong
That picture of that dudes briefs..
whats going on friend?
dont become like your typical artist
Sayotte: That is the most intelligent post you have posted on here. And you are right, Dan might cut off one of his ear's if he is not careful.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Penny is a fatass.
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