Here's a sketch I did of a Bush commemorative postage stamp. The face isn't all that great, but it's a quick sketch proposed to a magazine. If they bought it (which they didn't), I'd have redrawn it. I know it looks more-or-less finished, but that's because I drew it on my computer, tracing over a photo of shrub and various images of old stamps.
There are commercials on TV now for an
Obama commemorative plate and mug. It comes with a certificate of authenticity. They don't tell you what makes
that plate and mug with a picture of Obama printed on it more "authentic" than
some other plate and mug with a picture of Obama printed on it.
Awesome! Did the magazine say why they didn't buy it? It sneak up on you because you're not expecting the "is worth" part
The USPS won't print a stamp with a living person on it. You'll have to wait until he's dead.
You should add "due to China" somewhere.
methinks you put waay too high of a value on duh-byah
He looks too thoughtful in that picture.
I think you've captured The Ape's smugness nicely.
Could you draw bars in front of his face? And put him in an orange jumpsuit? Pretty, pretty please?????
Dan, if you don't mind my asking again, what are your views on libertarianism?
"Could you draw bars in front of his face? And put him in an orange jumpsuit? Pretty, pretty please?????"
SOO funny, Penny! Very nice.
Love the stamp, Dan. Brilliant idea. For some reason it reminds me of Dub-ya's interview with Charles Gibson, and the shrub's state of complete denial that he took the keys and drove this country into quicksand.
The first link to the Obama plate looks more like a frisbee. I don't have much use for an Obama plate, but I'd love to have a commemorative Obama frisbee!
Dan -- next time you go to SF, you should swing down to Santa Barbara. We'd love to get a book signed.
Penny: The bars and jump suit would be funny. Especially with how Dan drew him.
=v= It's not authentic unless the Franklin Mint certifies that it's the work of Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Blight.
Thomas Kincaide. Don't you just know Sarah Palin's house has got to be loaded with that crap?
I lean toward libertarianism in many ways but in the end I do believe in government taking care of certain elements of society (poor, ill, disabled) and regulating business to a degree. An unregulated, utterly "free" society tends to spiral into chaos. Eventually the poor rise up and decapitate the rich. Then they usually install a new government which often leans to the other extreme like a dictatorship.
As you can tell, I'm not an expert on these things, these are just thoughts off the point of my head.
Dan: Thank you for your reply. I think though that you may be confused on what libertarianism stands for. If you check out the official site, you might have some of your misconceptions cleared up.
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Josh,regarding Liberterrierism or whatever you called it, I say if two girls love each other it's none of my business.
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