If you're in one of those markets that publishes my Sunday comic on Saturday, you may be here looking for the answer to this puzzler. I'll be posting it tomorrow, Sunday, July 11, so come on back. Or, have a seat and make yourself comfortable. There are sodas in the fridge, one per customer, please.
People who enjoy these will enjoy the british "The two Ronnies" comedy clips on youtube - I'm thinking particularly of "Swedish for beginners"
1st one= jennifer Aniston & Ellen DeGeneres
2nd one=
3rd one= Do you want to be an accesory to murder? ;alrighty
i dont know the 2nd one? any one wanna help :)
Oh man, these crack me up! I was laughing out loud in bed this morning! Just hilarious! Keep up the great work Dan!
I got the first and third, but the middle one is truly a puzzle. Whence cometh the solution?
2nd one is "Fievel is a rat"
Okay, I can't find the fifth one, Unless the eyeball in the BIZARRO counts.
Awww, Fivel! So awesome!
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