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Today's Bizarro is brought to you by Natural Selection. "Hey, wimp – come here!"
My favorite thing about drawing this cartoon was deciding what stuffed animals would be sacrificed. Hello Kitty was a must, of course, because that hydrocephalic (as one of this blog's commentators called her) feline has always given me the willies. I have nothing against muppets, however, Kermit and Elmo were chosen entirely because of their celebrity. In fact, Elmo was suggested by my intern, Greg, as I recall. I also threw in the Bizarro Bunny, because it's my cartoon and I can do what I want, dammit.
In Britain, this comic would have an entirely different connotation. "Stuffed" in the land of bangers and mash means what "f#cked" does to those of us in the land of burgers and fries. An angry driver in London might yell, "Get stuffed!" or "Go stuff yourself!"
Remember that next time you're visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. It makes the after dinner conversation with Aunt Ruby so much more amusing.
now i'm totally addicted to your blog. my husband laughed out loud the other day and it turned out to be because he saw the same comic you just posted in the paper. he handed it over and said,"you have to see this one."
he also said to me, "damn. if i were funny and could draw, i would love to have this man's job."
"too bad you can't do either!" i said. he knew i was kidding, of course. sort of. he really can't draw for shit.
Brilliant cartoon. And it's funny about how different British English and American English are. But I really shouldn't criticize, as I come from a country where our accents/dialects can be so different we have a hard time understanding each other. Which is Norway.
That is one happening wig on Aunt Ruby, there.
yah but why did poo and tigerrrr have to be the eaters? that hits right in the childhood. put on some loggins and messina to reflect.
I don't know who started this thing about Brits using the word "stuffed" as vulgar slang for sexual intercourse. Maybe it's something from the west country. I certainly didn't hear it around Kent/London. I did however hear people say things like "get stuffed" to mean roughly "shut up and go away", and "they got stuffed" to mean "they got defeated", and "I'm stuffed" to mean "I've had my fill of stuffed animals and think I'll sit back and digest now" so I'm pretty sure you're safe to see it printed in The Gruniad or The Sunday Times.
I think it is safe to say that puns are one of the lowest forms of humor. That being said... eh, why bother.
so i was right to be afraid of the stuffed animals under my bed when i was a kid?
and if what you say is true, what do they call stuffed animals in the united kingdom?
10:18 pm once again had to sign on to get my daly bizarro fix...i read all theo posts now of the past week and i belive in a few,,,yes jimbo anyone with male hormones can see dans chnw is very attractive in fact anytime he wants to put pictures of his full naked crazy wife i woundlnt be bitching it stand s to reason why dans has been upset over the past few weeks...no offene my fiend but ...as far as the replacement getting dissed welll the week is over ...i should be on line past 12 where as we can see dans newest bizzaro for monday on the washington post website .....and yes anonymous i am a computer tech and you have been caught yes white plains is where you are from plain and simple....you know it and i know it...alright guys takeit easy
this one is twisted and i love it!! i secretly dreamed of killing all the sanrio characters, that is how much i hate hello pitty. a friend and i made an animation called the apocalypse of the sanrio in the late 90z, we made t-shirts and everything to promote our short film. of course it never got release because of the extreme violence.
i'm glad you picked up where we left off.
ew! i just clicked on the bangers and mash link. eeh that looks quite disgusting! haha, i was not prepared, i need to bathe now i feel so dirty looking at such an image!
ew! i just clicked on the aunt ruby link. eeh that looks quite disgusting! haha, i was not prepared, i need to bathe now i feel so dirty looking at such an image!
-- i know it's the same comment, but it works for both --
you gotta love cannibal stuffed animals.
Wrong time zone, Derek. But keep up the hard work, super sleuth.
Oh the carnage! But happily no "real" animals were hurt in making that cartoon.
Sacrificing your own creations? What new levels of cruel will you explore next Piraro?
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