On Francesco's blog (or "Franky Baby," as I like to call him), he mentions that this gag would have worked better if he had used Snap, Crackle and Pop from the Rice Krispies packaging. I would agree with that, they are probably more readily recognized than the Keebler Elves, but it still works. On Francesco's blog (or "The Cesco Kid," as I call him), many readers admitted to thinking these guys were the Rice Krispies guys. For those of you laboring similarly, they are not. They are from this company.
In short (since we're talking about elves) I tend to like humor that brings happy, fictional characters from childhood into the real world. Watching Mickey Mouse cope with the gritty, fragile, maelstrom of adult human life, or Ernie the Keebler elf struggling with gender confusion tickles the bad boy in me.
Conversely, I'm also tickled by this. Perhaps I need a shrink.
This was the only Ces cartoon I didn't "get" right away. I only got the joke after reading the blog. I drew a complete blank on the elves all together. I probably would have gotten it if it were drawn in the original style of the characters.
I saw those guys and immediately I thought "Those 3 creepy elves that live in the tree!" I knew right away who they were and thought it was hilarious. I guess I watched too much saturday morning TV as a kid.
Yay ferret picture! I've got 4 ferrets of my own (all rescues).
Say what you will, at least he doesn't resort to pun humor and gives it a shot.
I don't know why I didn't get it right away, I just didn't. I'm not saying I don't like Ces's cartoons. I think they're wonderful. :)
yah see and he DID"T use snap crackle pop. having great thoughts after you publish a cartoon is not the mark of a great cartoonist...out of the bunch the goldfish one was the funniest.
not nearly as funny as you on a bad. sorry i am prejudiced and i admit it.
peoplethis cartoon......blogged about explained....then explained again still the end result...unfunny sorry..anybody see the new big brother i cant find a spot to blog there is a guy on the show who is 75....hes always yelling at a houseguest i got a bet going with a friend that he will in fact be taken out of the house by ambulance with a heart attack.. before the show is up..lol
sorry, i didn't catch big brother. i watched enough of 'the real world' back when MTV realized it was cheaper to tape fueding twenty-somethings than music videos.
only for a second did i not get this comic. i got hung-up on the grammar/punctuation. i know, i'm lame like that. but it was definitely funny, and i too share the secret lust to watch childhood icons go through real-life psychological issues, like sex changes and seeing imaginary friends (like the big bird comic from the other day).
Did I accidentally click onto the "Derek's random thoughts" blog again?
It was funny to a point, I don't understand the "NOW Ernie" part. One of the other elves went tranny too? I don't remember that. Or are they alluding that there is a epidemic of transvestites?
All knowing that those are the *keebler* elves instead of the snap crackle pop elves did for me is tell me why the butt of the joke chose white hair when he chose his new look.
The only thing creepy about the adorable ferret is that it's called a "pin-up".
i thought they were snap, crackle and pop. i was wondering why they were calling him ernie. oh, well.
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