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(If your town is New York City.)
I'm doing one of my increasingly rare comedy shows in NYC for an ENTIRE WEEK next month and I can't bear the thought of going on unless you're going to be there. Please don't break my already fragile heart by saying, "I can't afford to fly all the way to New York From Seattle," or "I wish I could be there but I'm in prison until 2019." What is more important to you? Your precious money or my flimsy ego? (Before you answer that, consider that I will give you an autograph when you come to the show, which you can then sell on eBay to offset $3-$4 of your airfare and hotel costs.)
Seriously, this is a big show for me. I do a talk or a short set now and then, most often on the West Coast, but I'm doing fewer of these long-form comedy shows all the time and this is a full week of performances off-Broadway in NYC, so there are a lot of seats to fill. Please come. If you can't come, send someone you know in NYC to the show and tell them to tell me you said "hi."
After the show, you'll be able to meet me, Jason, and Matthew as we hang out in the lobby selling books, signing breasts, and pooping out witty ripostes like a member of the Algonquin Round Table. If you're lucky, you might even meet CHNW!
Ticket info here. Hope to see you there!
How did you know I was in a Seattle prison until 2019 and cannot afford the local "smuggle you to NY" rate...
I thought I was incognito... (or as I like to say "in a cog neat-o")
"...pooping out witty ripostes like a member of the Algonquin Round Table."
I realize a lot of them suffered from some form of incontinence (especially Thurber, he was fond of refilling everyone's beer glasses) but offering this sort of after-show entertainment may draw the wrong kind of clientle.
wish i could be there and hoping that sometime you will return to the midwest again sometime..
Sorry, Dan... can't afford to fly to NYC. Perhaps we'll drive.
If we come to your show, will you sign my husband's gallbladder? He just had it taken out, and it would mean an awful lot to him...
OK Dan, I'll try to round up a few people from Jersey to cross the river. I've seen you in action before and it's always a good time.
Sounds like fun! I wish i could be there but I am stuck in Wisconsin and cows can't fly...yet. Don't worry I am working on it. Break a leg or three or whatever works in the SHOWBIDNESS World the hip young kids say to their sugar mamas....
Come on Dan, i need to be a part of your blog again.
where's the comedy going to come from?
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