As I predicted, I got some mail about this cartoon from readers who are against embryonic stem cell research. I also got a couple from people who informed me that stem cell research was not illegal, only the use of embryonic stem cells, and something else about government funding, but I zoned out.
I know every detail of every cartoon does not stand up to academic scrutiny, it isn't meant to. It's a cartoon.
Folks that wrote were of the opinion that embryonic stem cells are humans and should be afforded legal protection. I don't happen to share that view, but that's not really what this cartoon is about. It's actually just a flimsy, current-events excuse to use the phrase "boltless neck." I thought that was funny.
Of course, we may disagree on that point, too.
any and all frankie-lictenstein-y references remind me of mel brooks's young frankenstein played brilliantly by the late peter boyle. the scene with gene wilder and the hot soup, is my favorite.
eh hehe. "abby, abby normal", "he vas my boy-ah-friend!" haha. don't get me started...
some may quote shakespeare, some alexander pope or sigmund freud, but give me a line from mel brooks's young frankenstein and you will have my heart! weeeeee....
hey dan
this is unrelated to this post, but I found this article about animal rescuing, and i thought you and CHNW would appreciate it:
it's about a pigeon sanctuary of sorts in San Francisco.
When I saw this cartoon I liked the boltless neck idea too. Then I noticed how well the monster was eating with a spoon.
Just wondering if he had been eating by pouring the bowl of food over his face (and clothes/table floor etc.) would have emphasized the monster's clumsiness.
Sorry I don't mean in any way to criticize, just the image of a total mess of food lying around everywhere made me think it would be funny, and give a feeling of compassion for the poor doctor who had to clean it up every time he ate.
Again my apologies for my brain and fingers working independently of my better judgment. I feel so ashamed and dirty. Can't seem to stop this compulsiveness... must not do this...must stop...don't click publish button...NO!!!
Dan, I think your comics are great. I also think anyone who looks to comics for the news and up-to-date current affairs, or for anything but humor, and then takes it on themselves to "correct" the cartoonist doesn't have enough intelligence to merit my time with their opinions. If I want to be told what to think I'll watch the news. If I want to form my own opinion, I will do research.
See, here you are showing some hypocrisy. You talk negatively about people wanting to shut off their brains when reading the comics section and not see Gary Trudeau's (brilliant) cartoon. Then the next day you criticize people for using their brains and trying to make logical sense of your cartoon.
Which is it, buddy? Should we just mindlessly laugh at your crappy cartoon or should we turn on our brains and let you know of inaccuracies in your cartoon?
I think the cartoon is only sort of funny. The problem is you are just plain wrong about stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research was never illegal. It was simply not funded with federal dollars. California for example has been pounding literally billions of dollars down that useless rat hole for several years now, with exactly nothing to show for it. I am confident that the fed bucks will get the same result. On the other hand it has been demonstrated that "Making pluripotent stem cells from blood, which is one of the easiest tissues to obtain, provides an easy strategy for generating patient-specific stem cells that are valuable research tools and may one day be used to treat a number of diseases." Note the phrase "patient-specific" that is important, embryonic stem cells have rejection problems just like transplants, pluripotent stem cells from your own blood wouldn't have that problem. Check out http://www.hematology.org/media/04202009.cfm for some reality. Even though I often disagree with your politics you are my favorite cartoonist ever... well since Gary Larson quit on us. :-)
i will strive to use "boltless neck" in conversation tomorrow.
A cartoon needn't make correct political sense, especially one named 'bizarro'. Just enjoy it and move forward with ur life.
Keep up the good work Mr. Piraro. Will always support you (or till you get completely senile n start making a whole lot more of sense:)TC
ur Fan,
Dee Sh
It IS funny.
Hey, Jezzka!
"Wait. Where are you going? I was going to make Espresso."
I laughed so hard I cried at that one. My fave movie ever.
Now you have my heart, too. Too bad we're both girls.
Sorry, Dan, didn't mean to hijack your blog today. At least I didn't write some long, drawn out explanation of stem cell research, boring the hell out of everyone. What part of "it's a cartoon" don't some people get?
Bizarro has my heart, too. Always.
wow i thought the boltless neck was worth a chuckle so a ha or a haha on the DAN Scale but all these rocket scientists that both actually do stem cell research AND comment here is amazing...
I like this cartoon, Dan. And phooey on people who have to complain because you didn't embrace their views or cause in your work. I've been there too, hounded for recounting history without condemning it because of today's change in views.
crap, not gene wilder, i meant to say gene hackman!
for hermite, haha, that was a great line! i crack up too, every time, that whole scene is just genius comedy! cigars! ha!
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