Today's cartoon was written by a Pittsburgh colleague of mine who signs his cartoons "Wayno." He sent me a bunch of cartoons of his recently and I offered to showcase a few and give him some plugs. I like his work a lot and it's been fun collaborating with him. He asked me to direct you to this page to see more of his work. There are a few more of our collaborations coming up in the next few weeks.
Truth be told, I like his illustration style better than mine, but I'm more-or-less locked into this look for Bizarro and it has served me well, so there you go. I use other styles for other kinds of projects. Here is one I like a lot which appears as a full page in Bizarro and Other Strange Manifestations of the Art of Dan Piraro.
Buy 100 copies today!
Checked it out. His style is nice, but somehow I prefer yours Mr. Piraro. Its got more individuality, it more, umm... u?
dunno. or maybe I'm just being loyal.
ur Fan,
Dee Sh
pretty damn funny if you ask me AND REALLY relevant in todays world..
nice picture of you and #1 wife too
heh it is awful quiet in here...has something changed...dan did you kill off all your other personalities..
doug is getting creeped now
Funny. :)
And hey, thanks for the tip re: Wayno. It gives me new inspiration. :)
I thought this one was pretty funny. My only observation is that this blog is actually quite boring now that comment moderation has been enabled.
Hilarious one!!!
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