Here we have a simple turn of a phrase, the sort I've always found fun. To me, any sofa long enough to accommodate me is a sofa bed. In fact, I'd much rather sleep on a sofa than a fold-out bed inside a sofa. The sofa cushion is invariably more comfortable than the thin mattress covering the wirey armature of the bed.
I know there are exceptions to this. Like futon sofa/beds, which are often more comfortable to sleep on as a futon opened up on the floor than they are as a thing to sit on, and modern sofas with platforms and big cushions or something. There are probably more wacky sofa bed inventions but I'm bored even thinking about it and I'm guessing you're nodding off reading about it, so let's move on to the next subject. It's just as boring, but at least it is a change of pace.
When I sent this cartoon in, it had a grievous typo. The woman was saying "Does is fold out?" Me editor caught it, corrected it on the black and white version, sent me an email reminding me to correct it on my version before I colored it, and sent it out to papers. That's our routine.
A handful of papers and all websites run Bizarro in color every day. The color files are sent electronically (as opposed to the b/w cartoons being mailed in hard copy, the old-fashioned way) so I have a little more time to finish them. I color the cartoons the week after they

In this case, I was out of town when I got the email and forgot to refer to it when I got back and colored the cartoons. So the moronic version ran in papers and web sites all over America, making me look foolish. I hate it when that happens.
In a cartoon later that same week, a word was changed because of previous problems with it but again, I forgot to change it on the color version. That mistake could have gotten me into trouble with client editors all over North America. Everybody loves a cliffhanger so I'll post that cartoon later this week and 'splain.
wow the dangers of comedy are many...fortunately only a few are fatal.
I went back and forth between the "is" and "it" slide at least 20 times and did not see that error. I finally had to read the blog to see that the problem was, hard to catch when you are not in the editing mode.
=v= I don't have your fine taste in modernist furniture, but I know a good, comfy, expensive sofa when I see one: the TOGO sofa.
(I would visit the store just to nap on the sofa, so they called the cops and I had to pretend to be a customer.)
A hum Diddy _ who-ha -ha quarter inch piece of friend ginit ginab for dinner, and vous?
Mon imposture est drôle comme un film de Jerry Lewis doublé en français. L'imposture est toujours une imbécile.
Turning a negative into a positive; this editing snafu gives me an idea. Maybe every once in awhile (or daily) the cartoon could have some kind of an error in it. It wouldn't have to be a grammatical mistake (although those are the best kind), it could be something like an upside down hat on a lady or a man with a leg shorter than the other, or a cat with tusks. You wouldn't want it to be too obvious, just something to look for like those little symbolly things like pies and aliens and such.
Getting sleepy; best go lay down on my Futon thingy. Is's getting late and I'm tired.
P.S. wish I had an editor.
Ask paulette i had another marine here and we watched it together!!
Damn, that is some weak stuff, Piraro.
Great Cartoon. Anyone who's ever slept on the sofa understands.
Who the hell hasn't slept on a sofa? It still isn't funny unless you have a real low-level sense of humor.
i think this cartoon is absolute genius.
Anonymous your just jealous
Jealous of my grasp of the English language?
Its "you're."
Oh, and BTW - your Sniglets book is overdue at the library.
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