Bizarro is brought to you today by Cowboys of the Future.
I like this cartoon, but it isn't the way I originally wrote it. My first version, which appears below, was considered too violent, especially at a time when talk of "lynching" has been used in very offensive ways against our president. So I changed the image in a way that removed the potentially offending imagery but kept the joke.

I'm glad I changed it. It's one thing to do a joke about a controversial subject like gay marriage and risk angering homophobics and bigots. That's a calculated risk I'm often willing to take. But to do a joke about one thing and risk upsetting people for reasons that have nothing to do with the message of the cartoon is quite another. In this economic climate, as newspapers are looking for ways to save money, we cartoonists cannot afford to cause unnecessary trouble for editors.
Here's a question to you, the blog reader. Or, the "bloader," as I like to call you. Since my book of Bizarro pirate cartoons sold moderately well (and given the New Depression, that's great!) I've been thinking of doing a book of either Bizarro western cartoons, or super hero cartoons. Which do you think would sell better? Would you be more likely to buy a small book of Bizarro cartoons about cowboys, indians, Old West stuff, or one about super heroes?
super hereos !!!!
not for nothing but yur comment answer to jeremy in last segment was great, it made me rethink a few things i spoke myself
however your editor today is a punk for w malo withdrawal
super heros, more fun needs to be made of them!
I vote for super heroes!
Super heroes, definitely.
Supa Hiro, kudasai! :D
How about both... fun odd mix... speaks to your eclecticism... hold it one way you get the superheroes, hold it the other way, you get the cowboys.
Bill it as the New Depression special, two topics for the price of one.
I say cowboys and the old west. You already have it sorta on your mind from the museum visit, so it'll be easier to compile at the moment. I think your next book should be like "Life is strange and so are you" with the little comments on the bottom, sorta like a more portable and corporeal version of this blog.
superheros, hands down. need i remind you that men in tights are hot hot hot? your hetro female demographic will skyrocket!
btw, my word verification to publish this comment is schlong. glüten tag (vegan german for good day)!
Perhaps a book of Francesco inspired bizarros with Jeremy doing an opinion on each. I'd buy this book immediately.
Dan, you have quite a folllowing. I almost passed out laughing at this left on Ces unfunny youtube video.
1000th comment!
This is the dumbest piece of shit ever. Medium Large eats pieces of shit for breakfast.
Superheros can be a ripe target for jokes, but I think the strength of this comic has always been it's absurd side, and I think cowboys offer much riper fodder for absurdity.
great point pneumatic death
Where as the superhero character points to a full defeat or questionable conquest..
you can count on more ample situations for cowboys...more of the unknown and mixes with the stupidity of all man kind
if thats what you meant
another words seeing a super hero in a situation outside of a srarbucks talking to a crew outside..would be more well known and obvious than a cowboy brooming the same area with his horse
the superhero of course looking fully outa place...where as the cowboy may have the slight chance of being politically correct in that situation..therefore heightening the suspence of the punchline
good call...cowboys
Are you the bloadee?
I vote for cowboys and indians, but would probably not buy either, for what that's worth.
one more for the road..
i dont mind jeremy included me in his thoughts i told you as an avid reader of this blog i noticed jeremy being one of the more honest bloggers..
if you go back in your blog history you will discover that each dan jeremy had a post and backed it up, not necessarily a hate post at all but a reason to his thoughts ..
mal-o however has a sharp o at then end of it a complete o sound so i dont rhyme with shallow..
dan and ces backers
im not a fan of ces works to and admitted it on posts..
im not a people pleaser either and stand by what i have to say
all i know is when you have to make a blog asking people to praise someone like you did for ces then i say dan my friend please recount your letters again
like ive stated before in a world full of struggling cartoonists you shouldnt have to defend anyone or even stick up for anyome who helped you that week..he should of been honored to have done it which im sure he was..but a savior no...a bizarro mistake yes
but wasnt this all like last year
and if ces work is the bomb then grab me a match cause i want to lite it and blow it out of existance.
by the way capazellos cartoon with the hand papae mache nows that funny
the past 5 or 6 no..
Do one of those double sided books where it's cowboys and indians from one end and super heroes from the other. Throw a few gags in the middle where the subjects are combined. The Lone Ranger wore a mask and skin tight clothes and had a sidekick. He was as close to a super hero as you could get without actual super powers.
Super heroes but the double sided book idea is cool.
One of my favourite comedy movies is "Mystery Men." I think superheroes working (or trying to work) together with their egos getting in the way and causing friction among the team is funny stuff.
Superheros, of course. Many of your fans are probably cartoon fans in a more general sense as well. Thereby, an interest in superheros is the most likely of the two.
I vote for super heroes mostly because it is geekier and that's how I roll
As far as derek, sorry that I didn't get your name pronounced right.
Super heroes
=v= Tough call, seriously. My votes goes for superheroes, but mostly because I don't have a copy of that strip with Superman and the Kryptonite lock. Also, maybe you could cash in on all the Watchmen publicity -- or maybe not.
The black president/gay cowboy strip is pretty timely, though.
I vote for cowboys!
i am so confused...
derek said.."mal-o however has a sharp o at then end of it a complete o sound so i dont rhyme with shallow.."
a complete "o" sound or a long OH in Malo, I get that. a short o in Malo would be more ma-lowe like.
but how does Malo not rhyme with shallow which phonetically has a long OH at the of it as well?
shallow does not rhyme with a short "o", the o sound in cow, maybe it does in boston where cuba rhymes with tuber -- my head hurts....
i am so so confused.
superheroes rule:)
I have always loved your Super Hero cartoons. Especially "Bird of Paradise" and "Spiderman walks the family dog". They both had a place on my fridge until we moved and they vanished.
Suuuuuper Heeeeeroes.
Yes yes. Please please please.
Sorry. Super heroes make me act dorky.
But please do a book of them anyway. Many dorks have disposable income.
Super heros with mythology as well. I think the sunday strip for 2/15/2009 was incredible and it has a little super hero in it.
SUPER HEROES. hands down.
definitely cowboys for me, but if you feel like a compromise, maybe you could do one about cowboy-superheroes!
Ooh, I love my Bizarro Pirate book, but I'd love one concerning super heroes even more!
Cowboys and Indians, pardner.
Since I recommended a super hero book in the 2/8/2009 blog, do I get a royalty? :)
Idisme said above that she wouldn't buy either a super hero book or a cowboy book and that is a good comment to add. I voted for the super hero book over the cowboy because I prefer that topic but when it comes to buying the book I might buy both if I liked them. I haven't bought the pirate book because I want to look through it in person first instead of just ordering it blind.
Certainly a half-and-half flip book - you know, you read the first half on superheroes - turn the book over and read the 2nd half on westerns (or vice versa). Gives you more material to work with too :-)
my last name is pronounced may-LO...which does not rhyme with shallow..
oh wait i think it does..
feb 15th comic very funny
speaking of rhymes with ...anyone notice hilary going house on malo ideas..in rhymes with orange
i thought we were done when i hadnt heard from her then i got my list :)
super heroes / western flipbook, as others have said
I am voting for cowboys and indians.
FYI, I did buy the pirate book, great work.
definitely cowboys
Super heroes...no, cowboys...NO SUPER HEROES. Um. Voting for one doesn't mean the other will never exist, right? Ok. In that case, super heroes.
How dare you ask us to make such a difficult decision! :)
I think that superheroes will have more room for you to stretch out and play on more jokes. You automatically get about 20 or so jokes about various costumes or super hero names. Then there are the villains, the alter egos, and of coarse the over-the-hill superhero. It would be lots of fun.
Cowboys rule! Superheroes drool...usually excessively large amounts at that.
I think your old west jokes are funnier than your super hero jokes.
A new 'Far Side' book would be awesome. A new Bizzaro book... not so much.
^ Hey. I like this guy!
Old West!
Your readers would prefer super heroes. Question: what sells more, sci fi/fantasy or western paperbacks?
Old west, Indian cartoons especially!
You seem to have a new symbol, a lit stick of dynamite. Care to up date your symbol directory or am I just not seeing things properly?
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