Kids. What're you gonna do with 'em?
I have to modestly admit I really like this gag. The picture alone makes me smile as the house frau attempts to change channels by squeezing the baby. I also really like the dad's T-shirt, which is one of my Bizarro aliens. Did you know you can purchase this very shirt, or any of my other "secret symbols" on a shirt here? Now you do.
A while back, I published a Sunday cartoon a small part of which was the design below. A couple of people asked me if I'd be releasing that design on T-shirts. (Side note: I hate that term "releasing" used in that way. It comes from the record industry, I think, as they try to drum up excitement about a new album. It makes it sound as though they have a product in a cage somewhere and are going to unleash it on the public. Whoa, Katy bar the door.)

piraro for pres!!
Peaches said...
The stomp collection make me laugh out loud to myself for at least 3o seconds. Thank-you.
Those comments are cool to see i stil will never get what dan is looking for in comics however
anyone do me a favor hit my link and see feb. 6th post...how the hell could dan pass on pen pal-putation lol
i wish the blog held more that 5 pics each i got 6000 to post
im sorry pen-palpitation im stoning here
pen pal-pitation...lol
I can understand the "icons" But the "Bizarro.com ©Dan Piraro" Shirts & products are just advertising
... and is kinda looks like employee clothes for only you( and people who work with your website, if the are any?)
But people are suckers, Some people buy designer label clothes, so why not this and that is good for you and your bank account...
i would like to pre-order one please, i will purchase your lovely design, if you can offer a XS size, girl cut, oh and on cotton too, (none of that poly-hester blend - yuck!) only au naturale fabrics shall touch my skin; for i am a delicate beauty that requires to bathe daily in rose pedals.
there are definitely 7 (and not 6) hidden symbols in the above cartoon.
isn't against the law for someone whose is anonymous to sign his name to a post...
and derek try reading
dan pretty fun cartoon HAHAHA, please show us some ones that did not make it into print.
Doug honey bunch what are you talking about?
In Pie We Trust? Who? What pie? Why??
I agree with danman there are 7 hidden objects. That is why I don't like the little number; I try to avoid looking at the number whenever I read a new comic.
Hey!!!! Can I get an Anonymous T-shirt???? That would be swell!
You're right, there are seven. I go over it and my editor goes over it and somehow we both missed one. Damn!
This extra hidden mystery object, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, could be evidence of intelligent design.
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