The day this cartoon ran in papers, my new email friend, Bernie, wrote and said "Wouldn't it have had more 'kick' if the can read 'Can-nibbles?'"
Yes, it probably would have, but I didn't think of it. Wish I had. When are you readers going to learn to weigh in with your ideas before I go to print?
The better punch line notwithstanding, I like this gag, especially the severed leg on the can label. I wondered if this cartoon might offend some readers, and I did get a few emails about it. The thought is disgusting, yes, but I find it not much more disgusting than eating the body parts of the corpses of other species. No matter who you're eating, somebody died in misery and left behind mourners.
Most humans don't believe non-human animals can mourn, but I know from experience that they do. That isn't the point of this cartoon, of course, it's just one of the many extras you get free of charge for reading this blog!
By the way, did I mention I'm doing a comedy show in New York City next week? Come see me, it's for charity!
So sensitive about animals, yet an insensitive jerk about humans? Eh, whatever. I rescue feral cats but I avoid people, so I can't complain about it.
Pass the Manburger Helper.
Can you please elaborate on your statement that he is being "an insensitive jerk about humans?" I fail to see how his point wasn't made clear that eating humans can be just as bad as eating the dead corpses of other animals.
Being a vegetarian, it's very disturbing to think that a human being could even consider eating another human. The image of a severed leg on the can of "Canables"is revolting to me personally, as where a severed finger or toe would be more appetizing IMHO. And there's stories where fingers have been included in the canning process, without having to kill the entire person. Perhaps that's one reason why experts say it's always wise to read the ingredients label before purchasing any product.
One note of interesting:
In the cannibal culture, human flesh is referred to as "long pork" because it is so similar to the meat of pigs.
Jeremy - Pagani was trying to be funny. He's told us in previous posts that he is a humorous person.
Tell him to keep trying, he'll eventually get it!
cannibals didn't actually eat the whole person...but i hear if you get cold enough and hungry enough you might consider it. i think of that every time i go through donner pass.
Baby Eating in China
Very disturbing pictures are now spreading across the internet about a certain delicacy which can be found in China. A town in Canton is now trendily making baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost of fetus soup in China currency is approximately $ 4000 (around RMB 2000).
"Spare rib soup" local code for fetus soup, is served in local restaurants in Canton. Couples who would like to abort their babies, can go to these local restaurants and sell the aborted baby for 2,000RMB (China currency). These local restaurants also accepts placentas for several hundred RMB if couples do not want to sell their babies.
Most fetuses served in these local restaurants are female babies. This is due to the fact that the majority of Chinese parents prefer to have male babies and those poorer families usually end up selling their female babies.
"Campbell's Cream of Fetus Soup" sounds like it would sell well in Canton. . .
"Every fight's a food fight...if your a cannibal." Thank Demetri Martin for that tid bit. I've never found fingers or anything in my soup, but I have found cardboard in canned soup. That is only one of the many reasons I avoid Wal-Mart and their "great-value" foods.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. I really enjoy your cartoons. I hope it doesn't go the way of Gary Larson's Far Side in our newspaper. It was discontinued because it made people think and they didn't understand the comic. Keep up the good work. Gordie
NO, Dan, the cartoon is fine the way it is. "Cannibles" would have been a bit too OBVIOUS. As it is, "Canables" is the perfect play on words. Think "Lunch-Ables" or "Munch-Ables" or something like that. "Can-Ables" would just mean something you're able to put in a can, hence the product, hence the homonym. I like the cartoon as it is.
And I LOVE Bizarro, by the way. I look forward to reading it in every morning's Charleston Gazette.
After this meal, cannibles could enjoy this "baby cake" dessert:
That is funny Pagani... I take euthanized feral cats, stuff them, and sell them to old ladies in convalescent homes. Well not really but I am sure there is a market...
Eating babies in China...
Yea.. doubt it. Did a ditto head tell you that or a 300 Club member? (why would anybody in there right mind brag or advertise that they have no thoughts of their own? "ahhh hummm whatever Rush says is what I believe... what did he say today?" durrrr)
I have also heard that there are only "underground" churches... also wrong. While in China (not Hong Kong) several times "team members" (hate that term) blew us off to go to church (Catholic) while we went to be tourists.
Eating Babies in China --
If you have the stomach this gross soup picture link has just that. Comes from The Seoul Times and I have no idea on how accurate it is but it would make me heave if I was served it.
Haha, I also like that canables also sounds a bit like campbells...
Wow! That was quite the story telling! Im quite amazed at all the things you've done! No wonder your soo happy! Well I hope you had your fun and excitement. In the mean while, as winters kicking in right now, we might be expecting some change! A change in weather hopefully to the better :} I dunno, some how reading about what you wrote makes me remember things that I never thought I would have ever remembered, funny how that works doesn't it??
-Much LoVe
Where do you draw the line, by the way? Invertebrates? Insects? I don't mean to criticize your views by any means, I'm just curious.
And would you eat meat if it was cultivated from cells, without "using" an animal at all? Sooner or later it will be a possibility, and probably more efficient than raising cattle.
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