If you're going, come by the NCS (National Cartoonists Society) booth and say hello. I'll be selling and signing books, trading cards, prints, and some of my old T-shirts, the ones that are too stained to wear or don't fit me anymore since I've been taking steroids. Since I'm not a spoiled professional athlete with way more money than couth, autographs and pictures with me are completely free. I will be charging for sketches, however, but they're well worth it since I draw not with ink, but with my own blood from a self-inflicted bullet wound in my leg. You don't get that kind of dedication from your average cartoonist.
Don't come to my house this weekend looking to rob it, either. CHNW will be there and she's currently fostering two rescued pit bulls. They love her and they won't like you.
Wish I could make it, Dan :(. Any chance you will ever come to Oregon?
have a good time, sell bunch o'stuff!
more people should rescue pit bulls...good job dan's chnw!
i want to go to san diego. my favorite musician lives there and you'll be there so i could stalk two birds with one stone....or something like that.
oh, that steroid picture was naaaasty. i want more pictures of daniel craig please.
This sounds much like the typical Star Trek convention. We were walking into one with a couple of friends who had never been, trying to explain the actual, legal-age adults dressed up in costumes when a 40-something guy with a spectacular, down-to-the-smallest-detail Star Fleet uniform ran by, shooting his "phaser" into the air.
He had a yellow windbreaker tied around his waist. It was phenomenal.
what caught me on this post was the words "comic con" and your shit-eating grin on the picture next to it. look how eerily handsome you are! have fun at the convention!
I know I didn't say so when we met, but I've been reading your comics for a long time, and really love your work. Thank you SO MUCH for the sketch! I'm hoping I get to meet you again next year. :)
No pitty photos?
Speaking of your book, I have yet to find it in any book stores during my travels. And am not entirely sure how shipping would work to Farm Sanctuary NY. Any chance your visiting the Farm this fall?
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