Last Christmas, I did a cartoon about Tim in collaboration with a comedy writer friend, also a fan of his, Andy Cowan. Days after it appeared, Tim's best friend wrote to me and asked if he could buy the original art and give it to him for Christmas. I agreed and sent the cartoon to him. A couple of days later, Tim's wife wrote and asked the same question. I told her who had bought it with the same intention and she was happy that Tim would get it, one way or the other. A couple of weeks later, Tim mentioned it briefly on Meet the Press, clearly flattered that he had made it to the funny papers. I have long since forgiven Tim for getting my first name wrong.
Sometimes it really seems only the good die young.
A great story, a great man, and a great loss.
My Dad commented that he died with his boots on. Well said. He will be missed.
I really have to snort at all of the newspapers going on about how Russert is an example of how heart attacks can be a total surprise. Russert had many of the major risk factors. Maybe some good will come out of that by making people look at their lifestyle related risk factors.
A good book to that end is The China Study.
russert only looked so good because journalism has sunk so low. nobody ask's the hard questions anymore or digs around in people garbage...so the only guy who did becomes a hero...i just wish that everyone now would start picking up after him..i got my doubts.
I'm going to have to disagree about Tim Russert. He knew what was going on in the runup to the Iraq War and probably could have exposed the whole thing and stopped it. Instead, he shilled for the Republicans and did their bidding. He had a big part in the Valerie Plame scandal and had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to testify for the trial.
A Kossack summed it up pretty good here: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/6/14/142419/535/11/535958
Dan, can you send me this video as soon as you can. thanks _rey
What a loss. The angel of death missed his marks.
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