I've heard that "Two and a Half Men" is America's most popular sit-com. As a person who would like very much to get into the TV business, this distresses me. I have only been able to watch a few minutes of a couple of episodes of this juggernaut before my brain ratcheted into survival mode and told my hand to change the channel. On each occasion, it took hours to shake off the willies.
I often find most extremely popular comedies to be utterly repugnant. This does not portend well for my chances in Hollywood. So I thought of this cartoon and I really like it. This would be a funnier premise for a sit-com, in my opinion.

But celebrity is often unearned, that is the nature of our human world. Humans are glorified apes who happened to evolve a very powerful brain. If any other species had been genetically gifted in this same way, they'd likely make just as big of fools of themselves as we do.
My apologies to any of my readers who are fans of the shows I've trashed here today. These are just my opinions, your results may vary wildly. As well they should. I'm just another random, glorified ape making a fool of myself on an hourly basis.
A parting gag: in reference to a blog a few days ago I accidentally referred to Ziggy as Zippy in a comment on Facebook. These characters with similar names could scarcely be at further ends of the cartoon scale but it gave me the idea to combine them. I present to you here, the yin/yang hero/villain, Zigpy the Pudhead, with apologies to Bill Griffith and Tom Wilson.

I have no clue how people can watch Dancing With the Stars - and ENJOY it. Really baffles me. And now they have Skating With the Stars. Really?! Are we that dumbed-down as television viewers?
You hit both nails on the head with those shows. Personally, I hate all so-called "reality" shows.
There is a similiar program in Norway called "Skal vi danse?"/"Shall we dance?". I like watching professionals dance because they are so skilled and graceful in their movement. However, watching various celebrities' rather unsuccesful attempts at dancing is more embarrassing than entertaining.
(Just out of curiosity, is there any particular TV-shows that you like?)
consider it a compliment your not mainstream! mainstream is idiotic. listening to charlie sheen spew his misogyny and bad jokes for a half an hour or bristol (nice name) palin dance around like a numb nut in a silly, slutty suit is hardly for the thinking, enlightened audience.
your work rocks and makes me think more, which is a good thing!
Aw Dan, you vandalized ziggy....
Anyway, my kid is asking what you use to draw your cartoons.
-Y.T. Tuttle
I want a Zigpy the Pudhead doll,ahem-"actualization figure" for the holidays! At least a t-shirt! GENIUS! Maybe they aren't really that different from each other. They are both drawn as mutant throwaways,with Zig usually at the sh#% end of the tide of society, and Zip usually on the ever consuming consumer rip current, blissfully attaining enlightenment all the way down.
Or maybe it just depends on the dose of acid one has taken...
YOW, indeed.
Dan, the turtle gag was done by Dr Suess in Yertle the Turtle. you need the back story.
Regarding the turtle hi-rise, did you forget about Yertle The Turtle?
Ted Geisel and Dan Pirraro... great minds think alike. Like Alexander G. filed his application just hours before his competitor, Elisha Gray. Sinchronicity... deal with it and dig it.
I saw the turtle comic and instantly thought "It's turtles all the way down!" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtles_all_the_way_down
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