This cartoon are a take on a cartoon cliche, the one of the woman with her packed bags is leaving the house and says something funny to her husband about it. Their are lots of cartoons like that. I was thinking about cartoons to write and decided to make it the same kind of picture with a different funny line for the punchline. Instead of really leaving the husband of her, she is really only taking old suitcases out to their trash and the reader is suprised.
This caption I have changed before putting it here on the blogs because I had the word "bring" instead of the word "take." A reader wrote me an email and said that bring is for when you are coming toward and take is for when they are going away. Since the wife is going away from where she now is, I had the wrong word---bring--- and changed it now to be correct---take. I always forget that rule about bring and take I was raised in Oklahoma and most people there use those words as the same meaning. Old habits dye hard I guess.
aww, we all make mistakes. I forgive you.
We can't change where we grew up and had awful education thrown upon us.
Ryan from Texas yee-haw!
Dye is used to color something. You should have said "die hard". I thought schools in SC were bad! I'm just kidding. I thought it was funny that you had another grammatical error in your explanation.
Same problem with bring and take, here. One of these days I'll... who am I kidding? I'll never get it.
Jason from NorCal and two ESL parents.
There are us admirors of your work that think that grammer ain't not much of a concern. Its the wit that is counted lest that be discounted
"Their are lots of cartoons like that."
"I always forget that rule about bring and take I was raised in Oklahoma and most people there use those words as the same meaning."
You do see the irony in these two grammatical errors in a post regarding grammar, right? ;-)
Okay, one is more of a punctuation thing, but still...
'How Can I Miss You, If You Never Go Away'- an interesting CW song, done by Kinky Freidman & The Texas Jewboys.
Okay, people, this post is rife with grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. That was the point.
It also has some well-placed problems with syntax.
I can't believe people didn't get the irony (or was it satire, sarcasm, mockery or a paradox) of the mistakes in your explanation!
So should it be?
"Bring this job and shove it!"
Love you Dan,
Don't mind the grammerians.
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