Just got back late last night from the family reunion/wedding in my home state of Oklahoma. It was a harrowing adventure fraught with missed connections, misdirected luggage, airline incompetence, an auto accident, and a roach motel in Memphis whose airport shuttle driver is a former NYC pimp. The family events were even scarier. More about that in the days to come, after I catch up on a deadline or two.
For now, here is a tasty little morsel of cartooning that I hope you enjoy. This isn't one of my preachy environmental cartoons, it's just an amusing visual about what what will happen to all those tiny islands we cartoonists draw in those stranded-on-a-desert-island cartoons we are so fond of, if indeed the sea level rises.
This is a scientifically researched and accurate representation of such a scenario; tiny islands would disappear beneath the surface of the sea. Trees would pierce the surface in many instances, appearing to float. Caption balloons, being attached to their orator by the laws of graphics, would be at least partially obscured.
Climate Change will be as devastating to humor as it will be to flora and fauna.
I always thought caption balloons were lighter than water though, and could thus be used as floatation devices.
This is the funniest cartoon yet!
This one has it all. It lampoons a generic device (desert island cartoons), plays with a formal device (the word balloon) and manages to be funny. Love it.
"Trees would pierce the surface in many instances, appearing to float" So, what are you saying? We'll read in the newspapers: "BIG BOAT HITS TREE ON PACIFIC!"
I live in the Pacific (although it doesn't feel that way; it's bloody freezing here in winter), on top of a swamp that's exactly at sea level. I am laughing ...painfully. But thanks for the tip: I must remember, from now on, to only type into the top half of my WORD documents. And I guess that's the end of footnotes, too?
Omg, I've been looking for your blog like forever! I bought a Bizarro magazine (comic book? I'm not so steady on the English, I come from Norway) and there were all these cool qoutes from your blog there, but I could see no link whatsoever, so you can imagine my frustration. But finally, FINALLY, I found your very brilliant blog. Seriously, I've been reading it for 2 hours straight now. I love it, love it, love it. And I love Bizarro, it's my favourite comic strip (?... again, I'm not sure if "comic strip" is the right term, because unluckily I was not born in an English-speaking country, and therefore it is not my mother tounge, so sometimes I am not sure what things are called in English. In Norwegian it's called "tegneserier", in case you wanted to know)... Anyways, I'm happy I found your blog, please never stop making Bizarro, it's brilliant and I hope you have a very nice day... Or night. It's night in Norway at the moment.
Looks like global warming might be great for boat salesmen but could really hurt the cartoon industry.
You can see my favorite global warming cartoon here:
So does global warming affect apostrophes as well?
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