Today's Bizarro is brought to you by Beat it Till it Bleeds Candy Party Supply.
This cartoon idea came from my young protege, Victor. The idea was simple and terrific so I adopted it exactly as he had written it. Though he is but a sapling, he shows great talent and potential. I am proud to mentor him and help in any way that I can, until such time when he strikes out on his own and begins taking clients away from me, at which point I will beat him like a five-dollar pinata. (Anyone know how to make ˜appear over an "n"?)
Until then, enjoy the following video which provides a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes machinations of the cartoon world. To assure that this cartoon would work as designed, I had a prototype built, hired actors in ancient soldier costumes and tried it out, as seen in the video below. Virtually all of my cartoons are researched this meticulously, to assure the utmost realism and highest quality humor that modern technology can provide.
One last behind-the-scenes cartoon note: This is one of those ideas that will occur independently to more than one person on the planet. While building this post, I came across a different treatment of the same idea. (And it's probably not the only one.) Sorry Scott Hilburn, wherever you are.
P.S. Don't miss my pirate store appearance tomorrow night in San Francisco! Sorry for the short notice, I get busy and forget I have a trip coming up until I hear the airport limo honking out front.
In windows, if you go to the character map, you can copy and select the character ñ. (Alt+0241 on the numerical pad) I don't know how to do it on a Mac, but I assume it's something similar.
On MacOS X it is much simpler, you press option-n and then n. You can also use it to make an ã if you press Option-n and then a. The Mac OS has always been easier to do modifiers like this since they have the Option key instead of just control and alt.
That's hilarious!
have fun and god speed
Be careful man Victor is minor, You will be the one who does jail time.
Kudos, Dan. This is funny.
Correction. I did not read the full post. Kudos, Victor. I should've known.
Victor is not a protege, quite simply Victor combs the internet looking for cartoons then, visually remembers it and gives Piraro the idea.
jeremy off the topic say it aint so i just heard legendary drummer mitch mitchwell was found dead in oregon what the fuck
people die in oregon. matter of fact you can kill people in oregon. it happens.
at least this time you didn't make it up
Hey! Posting as anonymous is back! Woohoo!
hey SAYOTTE316!!!! this one's for you!!! can you dig it???
How could you be anonymous when I am anonymous?
Loved it duffau..
he carried jimmy hendrix experience...he was as great a drummer as hendrix a guitarist period....hendrix was overrated alone
haha nice... my history teacher has this picture up on his wall.
The Romans did this weird thing apparently (according to wikipedia):
For special effects, whole pigs were stuffed with sausages and fruit, roasted and then served on their feet. When cut, the sausages would spill from the animal like entrails. Such a pig was called a porcus Troianus ("Trojan pig"), a humorous reference to the Trojan Horse.
This comment is a little late but, I bet the warriors beating the pinata are thinkin, "Why won't the candy dtop screaming?"
That's funny :p
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