I like this cartoon a lot. I'm happy with the way the drawing turned out and there's something about the simple absurdity of the joke that makes me laugh. Of course, I'm a sucker for a dog in a sweater, as long as it isn't made of animal products. (I don't understand the concept of treating your own like gold and to hell with everyone else.)
I may begin wearing an ascot and smoking a pipe, myself. Nobody does that anymore. I had an art history professor in the mid seventies who donned that gay apparel, but he may have been the last one.
My eldest daughter, Krapuzar, wore a smoking jacket and ascot in her high school senior picture, and wielded a meerschaum pipe. She cocked her eyebrow arrogantly and tilted her head in a fashion reminiscent of a pretentious author's photo from the 1920s. Very funny pic, wish I could find it to share with you.
does wool count as an animal product? What about down?
Yes on both. Both of these are the result of a cruel life and/or torturous death. I don't intentionally buy anything that is the result of the misery of innocents, be they human or other species of animals.
Yes.. why are some animals "pets" and others are "food". I've never understood the distinction.....
How do you handle feeding your companion animals? I have a dog and 3 cats (I live out in the country and have 150 acres for them to roam) but this is one place where I am so torn. I feed them my veg food scraps but I do buy them "pet food" made from other animals from time to time..... I don't know... I guess I feel weird, knowing that they are naturally carnivores, inflicting my beliefs on them....
Where do you stand on this issue?
By the way, I'm so glad I found your blog. I used to enjoy your strip in the daily paper but now that we live so far out in the boonies, we don't get a daily paper (unless we go and pick one up!).
For all your daily Bizarro comic needs. I'm at University now so no more daily newspaper unless I go a mass adventure to find one.
Great comic!
I see from your blog header that you smoke cigars. you really do owe it to yourself to try out a pipe!
We have two permanent cats and foster animals constantly (dogs and cats from the city pound, but also whatever non-pet animals they acquire like hens, roosters, ducks, lambs, goats, etc.) and we feed them what they need. It is a sad reality that to give a house cat the nutrition it needs, you have to buy the corpses of factory abuse. Meat-eating in nature is not a bad thing, of course, but having to subsidize our perverse factory farming system is a shame. Still, nothing is perfect, so we do it.
Tobacco Barn,
I shall. Any interest in sending me some free samples to be reviewed on this blog. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
Michelle: I live on 250 acres! Hah!
I actually didn't know what an ascot was, so the comic wasn't that funny. I actually didn't see the dog wearing anything but a sweater... but that was probably because I didn't know what to look for.
A dog with a pipe was still epic and funny.
But wool doesn't have to be acquired by inhumane ways. I don't think shearing a sheep requires killing or harming it beforehand. I don't know how they do it on a mass-marketing scale, though.
hahaha! You are a genius.
As a pug owner, who has given her dog of dubious background a fake breeder name (Sir Pinky McNubbin of the Manchester McNubbins), this panel is yet another lofty goal for doggie to aspire to.
While Sir P could surely rock the argyle, it's the pipe I'm a little concerned about - does PETA have issues with superglue? (I think it's all synthetic).
Thanks so much for the hardiest of har hars!
Dan - should we read a comic that brings misery to its readers?
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