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Here's a dandy little cartoon about the Grim Reaper as a cat. It was inspired by the myriad critters my cats bring inside the house to torture to death over the course of the day.
In a very real sense, some people get the cat version of the reaper, dying slowly over time. Others are more fortunate to get the king cobra variety – one bite, dead soon. Personally, I'd prefer to die quietly in my sleep. The "Pillow Reaper"?
While I was away in Californy this week I missed a few postings, so here are two to catch up a bit. The one above is mine, the one below is an idea from my kooky friend Derek, who haunts this blog like the specter of an ancient Scottish king in a drafty castle. BizarroBlog commentators are well familiar with Derek's stream-of-consciousness postings and the challenges they present to readers.
This one of his is an odd idea that just hit me the right way. It is simple, obvious, dry, almost predictable, but those qualities are precisely what I like about it. Some days, simple goofiness rings my bell.

My cats drag in poor, half dead animals all the time. If I go back two hours later, they're still there playing with it.
This reminds me of a Far Side strip, where there's a cat and a mouse playing catch, and the owner of the cat is telling her friend "The poor thing. That cat's just keeping it alive to play with it for a while."
OH, MY GOD! I haven't laughed that long at a cartoon in a long time!
I love "I call him Spot"! Great idea.
Hey, Dan, do you remember one you did a long time ago, about a woman coming home to find that her cat had chainsawed her living room? The caption read "Scratching the furniture was getting boring."
I still have it up on my refrigerator. Have forever. It's safely made several moves from other refrigerators (no mean feat). That was another stroke of genius.
This post reminds me of my Grandma.... She always named her cats the goofiest names.. Spotty, Blackie, Brownie,... Grayeee... Even Orangie!.... Whenever I'd go to visit... All us kids would try to guess the cats names... "I bet that one is called Stripey!"... We'd all chuckle under our breath when we'd hear Grandma say.. "C'mere Stripey!!"...
On the death comic, I agree with you on preferring the pillow reaper. I watched two parents die slow deaths.
My cat doesn't drag in any small animals because she doesn't go outside, but she does watch carefully for all bugs to play with and torment. I guess that's just the nature of cats.
Our cats don't drag anything home because they stay indoors at all times. Cats need to stay inside...the average lifespan of an indoor cat is 15-18 years. Cats that are allowed to go outdoors: 3 years.
Please keep your kitties inside, everyone!
I had a kitten named "Grayie" when I was a kid. We took in a pregnant stray and she had 4 kittens (guess their colors): Blackie, Grayie, Grayie #2 and Mittens (a tuxedo). One of the Grayies hurt his eye (it was an accident, my fault), so for a while he was called "Sore-eye Grayie". My family didn't win any prizes for great pet names.
Hmmm, average life span of my cats (5 of them) was 15 to 18 years (current cat just past 11, healthy strong, and thinks she is queen). Every cat was an indoor/outdoor cat. Most were mostly outdoor except when winter hit then they became "its too wet/cold I will find a litter box cats". Once summer hit 90% outdoors and 10% indoors. Every cat kept their claws. I lived on busy streets, near railroad tracks, and on farms. One cat was forced to move with us 5 times over a 5 year period, was amazed we didn't lose her packing. (Current cat has moved 4 times).
Only cat I ever lost was rescued from my front porch twice by people who thought she was lost. MY FRONT PORCH! I had to put of flyers in the neighborhood to get her back. When I asked the persons who rescued her, where they rescued her from they pointed over there. 10 feet away! I didn't get her back the third time they "rescued" her, when my front door was open and I was in my apartment at the time.
I asked the local group "animal rescuers" at PetSmart (one block from my apartment at the time), if they would rescue a cat from a front porch. Answer: Yes we do it all the time! (Bunch of freaking idiots!).
Then I asked them if they would sell me a cat and they asked if I would ever let the cat outside, when I said yes, they said no.
In some ways I pray they rescue the current cat because no one picks that cat up except for me and I only do so very carefully. Great cat but it could be the grim reaper on the side.
umm Who cares?
that's what I say every time I read your posts. so I try not to read them anymore.
I've always been for quality of life over quantity, so I let my cats out. I've had good luck with them surviving a long time (so far) but however long they live, they're happier prowling around than staring through my windows, I think. They're spayed and have collars so they don't get into too much trouble.
can you show us Derek's original version?
I wonder what our resident apartment cat lady, Lorie, thinks of these comics.
Spot Comic:
I keep thinking the person on the left in the spot comic is putting her arm down the cat's throat. Hard to see the fingers on that one.
Yeah - good point, isee3dtoo. That is a bad tangent, Dan.
Yeah - good point, isee3dtoo. That is a bad tangent, Dan.
We got it, anonymous.
This past Friday my husband witnessed a cat getting mowed down by a driver who didn't even pause. My hubby slammed on the breaks and was putting the poor creature in the backseat of his car when the cat died in his hands.
Thinking he might have been someone's pet and not knowing what else to do, he laid the kitty in the grass near where he was hit. Over the weekend no one bothered to look for him, since he was still there on Monday.
I helped my huge-hearted husband put this poor creature in a box, and we buried him in the backyard. At least two people gave a shit that he existed. I never saw him alive, and I've shed a ton of tears over him.
I reiterate: please don't let your cats out. They can live very long and HAPPY lives completely indoors. Please. I'm begging.
zomg! I must have the grim reaper kitty tattooed somewhere on my body! I love it!
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