This cartoon originally ran with an egregious error in the caption. Instead of the word "executives," it said, "CEOs." Companies virtually never have more than one CEO, which I knew, but for some reason my brain didn't tell me when I was writing and inking it.
A not-too-polite right-winger wrote to me and alerted me to my mistake in very colorful language. I suspect he is one of those couple dozen people still on the Bush Bandwagon.

Since this is the day before the most important election in this nation's history in nearly a century, here are a couple more political cartoons I created at the request of a magazine which eventually decided not to run them. If you like them, feel free to pass them on.

If you're having trouble reading the captions, click on the images to enlarge them.
you said that there would be acouple..? doesn't that imply more than one? i mean you ARE excentric but geez. i will put it up on CES' blog.
i am really sorry but when i went back after the comment there were 2 technically qualifying as "a couple" so i fall down before you and ask forgiveness. apparently the second cartoon took awhile to load up. anyway they are now flying at:
both very funny HAHAHAHAHA
how many sarah palins did you see on halloween?
just one....the dumb bitch female one who cost mccain his presidency
This is relevant in Comic News. I wonder if Dan would have considered a similar stunt?
If the New Yorker had political cartoons that insightful, I would be a subscriber.
i become vegan but i'm still not so prolific as you. i sweat blood for every line i draw.
what's your secret?
I used to think all the Palin jokes were funny, but as we get closer and closer to election day...frankly, I'm more scared than amused. Hopefully after tomorrow I'll be able to go back to laughing at the jokes. :-/
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