I've made it a point not to censor the comments on this blog but they've gotten a bit out of hand so I'm changing my policies. I still won't censor opinions, as long as they are expressed in a mature manner, sans profanity or lame insults to other commentators. (You can still insult me all you want.)
I hate being a cop, but I've been getting complaints from readers.
"I enjoy the comments, wherever they go. I don't like banning, limiting, or censoring, I prefer to let it roam where it will. Negative comments don't bother me and repeat offenders eventually wander elsewhere if others don't engage them" - Dan Piraro
So censorship is alright on this blog now?
what about readers complaining about censorship? do they have a voice?
They never fail to show up places, the immature and hostile, and the immature and oversensitive people that ruin a good thing for the rest. We could tell them we'll all be somewhere we won't; when they show up, they'll soon be too busy getting on each other's nerves while we have a party without them, elsewhere.
Great, Carolain - go have your party elsewhere.
I knew as soon as me and jeremy unionized it would be to strong to handle...I promise to be more tactful and keep my opinions within the confides of the comic strip provided
Ill tell you something though seeing the family thanksgiving it makes a hell of a story telling them i got punished and repremanded by dan piraro ...
my uncle would say piraro ....mob....whered i hear that name...
ill say dan hes my cartoon buddy ...
my uncle would say is that the jerk your uncle pat offered to have his legs broken for his mob cartoons ..
ill say know that was don this is dan hes actually funny ..
then hell say pass the beets ..
anyone see the front page of providence journal one of my uncles got thrown in jail
lmao... i see anoymous will always be anonymous
even the complainers are complaining just to intitiate more action on this board and everyone knows it ...
the complaints were written in hope me and jeremy and fran and anymoous and jimbo would have more to say and assure we come back each and everyday to amuse
kind of a reverse psychology thing...i actually thought this time around anymous's comments in the previous blog were quite tame compared to other postings ...just a thought
ought of nowhere maybe once a week someone new comes to the scene and yells oh ho awful....when in the end it semems me, fran,jeremy and anoymous are the ones who read your cartoon daily and those are the people that count
we are also the people who buy piraro books
ill check the blog a few times a day as im on computer anyways and we are the faces
and oh yeah anonymous sorry i included you in but it is what it is ....we initiate on here and if we didnt place would be a morgue
no worries - i wouldn't be here if i didn't enjoy myself...
Sorry, Dan. I got carried away.
no hold up ...i can yack all day on this topic....piraro has a blog ...his blog web is written in his cartoon panels ..
each day bloggers come to see what is going on they have those who read those who write and those who piss and moan
when i made comment place would be a morgue there are those of us who blog and those who dont
jeremy, i would say no apology is necessary 99 percent of the time you drop a line on here and it makes a valid point that have people responding and talking ,..youve also shown in the past that you are huse bizarro fan bringing up drawings dan did in mid 90's
my opinion if jeremy was on my blog hes earned the right to say what he wants and can have good days and bad days
i understad dans point of hate being a cop but it is what it is
jeremny has attracted many readers attentions ...than the single mom who appear on here every two weeks and goes...my god dan what a great drawing of that frog i think ill hang it on my fridge ..who cares..
id tell her to pound sand before risking a jeremy on my blog period ..
if piraro had a blog o meter with hits he would see the hits made here are highest when anoymous and i are attackingg each other or jeremy and another blogger are rumbling ...when this became a wheres mike duffau piraro set records....when we all saw he was alive several bloggers left
my opinion nothing should ever be erased for the sake of 2 then entertainment of 3000
it is what it is ill still send bizarros ideas up the ying yang with my 99 percent rejection rate in tact ..but i dont see what one thing has to do with the other
meaning rush of seeing jokes in bizarro has nothing to do with anything said on blog ...
like will i run and hide and say i wont ever send anything again ..nope ..why hurt one thing with another ..
so when that reader steps in an wants to make blog perfect for themselves take a hike ...it is what it is
its up to dan does he risk the reader jeremy who buys bizarro goods or does he go with the mom cutting out the newspaper clip ..
dont bite the hand that feeds you
Dan's blog, Dan's rules. You are not legally or ethically entitled to free speech within the comments section of someone's personal website.
John - no one has mentioned the legality of anything, but thanks for the input. As for ethics, Dan Piraro likes to portray himself as a defender of free speech. His recent actions certainly do not ethically support that stance. Now back to lurking with you.
So its OK to troll, just not comment on the troll. Bad policy, Dan.
I've never seen muting rudeness or ignorance as censorship.
I see it as removing the weed from the garden. In my garden I do not have any interest letting it me infested with weed, as it can grow any other place it likes.
Dan likes weed though...
i like gags...what would the world be without them.?. i bet the world would be a much duller place.
i like cops...i mean when was the last time you tried to cop a feel, eh?
censureship? i prefer to thing of it as "good editing". and piraro is one fine editor. keep up the good work dan.
xen: right on!
"it's a slippery slope my friends..." just kidding but that's surely what sensationalist readers will be yelling.
In politics, in the media, and else where it is well known that for every 1 complaint, comment, or compliment there are a 1000 more who agree but did not say anything. When Dan says he is getting complaints he probably is getting quite a few and if you multiple it by the silent who agree with those complaints Dan is doing the prudent thing. Establishing rules is not biting the hand that feeds him, it is pulling the hand out of the fire before it burns him.
I read, I put comments on here, and I did not complain to Dan but I was very close to never reading the blog or comment section again. Mind you I am the type with lots of disposal income. If it wasn't for reading this blog I would not have known about the pirate book, the shows, the possibility of getting an organization to sponsor a Piraro speaking, or even purchasing his artwork. The housewife who cuts the comic from the newspaper also has purchasing power.
As xen weeding the garden is not censorship, it is what allows the garden to grow.
@ isee3dtoo I always heard that:
for every e-mail there are 10 the feel similarly; for every phone call there are 100; for every "snail mail" there are 1000.
Yes, something like that, but even those numbers still confirms my point. I personally think it is higher on the e-mail but I am not the one who is counting or figuring this out in the real world.
Thank you, Dan.
Let's not get delusional here. Nothing is going to change in the comments section.
What do you mean Fran, are we talking Fido here?
Isee3dtoo, Your points are bullshit even Dan didnt buy the mother having cash to buy his books.
As far as your disposable income, I didn't know Wendy's paid so well.
Personally, I've got no problem with bad language, sexual content, etc, as long as there's a little wit or intelligence with it. Little boys shouting "Poop poop poop" aren't really as funny as they think they are.
I've been reading for a while, don't comment much, but had pretty much decided after yesterday not to check out the comments here anymore. And I've found, with blogging, that once I'm not reading the comments, pretty soon I don't read the blog anymore either.
So, good move, Dan.
dans still the man
however that is pretty pathetic if he buys your no return to this blog after the other day .
considering your url shows you just signed on in October and youve only been on this blog once....yes once today!!!
only agony is that story being believed
Count me among those who stopped reading this blog daily (and practically stopped commenting altogether) because of asinine, useless, attack-laden comments.
You're a guest on Dan's blog. Nobody's rights are being infringed upon. If you came to my apartment I'd be entitled to kick you out if you started cussing and being a jerk. Dan's blog is like a big electronic apartment that everyone is invited to, until they start acting poorly.
Count me among those that stopped reading rebecca c. brown's comments because they were neither interesting nor well written.
Read the blog daily but for some reason I haven't thought of looking at the comments. This post made me do it. I will not do so again.
BTW.. moderating one's webpage is not censorship. It's keeping your home tidy. Sir Piraro, I salute you master genious. Your comment loungelizards... not so much :D
Well, Harry, seeing as you have never read the comments and never will again, your opinions are irrelevant. But thanks for the unnecessary comment.
harry, do you believe "moderating" the speech of others is alright in all venues?
Dan, I'd put the screening of comments more in the category of editing rather than censorship. For your consideration, asking visitors to wade through the semi-literate blandishments of, say, a Derek Amalo, in this light, might be seen as cruel and unusual punishment, a major disincentive to revisiting your otherwise very entertaining site.
Sam, as a new visitor to this blog (as you obviously are), you should know that without Derek there would be no Bizarro, as he contributes a significant amount of "ideas" to Piraro. Without him Bizarro would be a steady stream of unfunny, uncreative puns.
hey sam try sending piraro 3000 plus ideas in 2009 and well see who gets the continued blog nod.......
thanks anoymous i missed this one
hey sam i saw this listing under your name
education, Mr. Thornton considers himself an expert in international relations, economics, politics, business, science, mathematics, religion, sociology, anthropology, literature
its not suprising when it comes to obvious not knowing sh@t
Funny how the bloggers that want to make predictable comments and ramble on about their dull lives without the threat of feedback or opposition are thrilled with the censorship and have decided to conveniently label it "editing." Not funny "ha ha." But funny.
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