Ours isn't the only society having trouble economically, Legoland is in the dumper, too. With those stiff little U-shaped hands, many activities that you and I take for granted are nearly impossible. That's one reason Lego cars, trucks, boats, planes, etc., are so simple and blocky. They just don't have the dexterity for fine details. Ever seen a Lego person with a heart or brain surgery scar? Of course not, surgery of any kind doesn't even exist for these unfortunate souls. Some of them dress like doctors, but they don't actually do anything.
And I know it is politically incorrect to say this, but I have a devil of a time telling them apart. Without their individual outfits or makeup or whatever, they all look alike to me. I'm told they can tell each other apart, but I've not seen evidence of it. And where do they come from? They have no reproductive organs that I can discern. The perrenial smile on their faces always makes them look as though they've just had sex, but how?
With all their hardships, it is no wonder they are so religious.
(Author's note: Here is a site that has pretty much the entire Bible – Old and New Testaments – acted out with Lego people. Not to be missed.)
This one feels very forced and not worked out. I understand there may be a comic somewhere with the whole lego-people-without-workable-hands, but tying it to the economy feels like an afterthought that doesn't belong.
My ideas will still keep flowing and be sent but i hereby retire from this blog before really offending my promotist
maybe if piraro put the same effort into his comic that he puts into censoring this blog we'd be somewhere.
Be careful, Dan - you cut off the Derek lifeline and then where would your comic be?
fascination with legos _is_ funny. and, their reason is just as, if not more, humorous than the US's. n even if this is not your best, it's still better'n most.
why are the 'many activities' 403 forbidden? maybe i doan wanna know...
censorship — i luvz the delete button, sometimes for my own blogs. too bad those deleted aren't as funny as they think they are. hey, wait, don't delete mine...
lego bible — i didn't go there cept for your links, didn't miss it...
Behind the collapse of the US Economy: How are we supposed to manufacture anything with these bloated bodies? How are we supposed to think of anything with these atrophied brains?
Dan, Dan, Dan. Lego people don't have noses! Everyone knows that!
We still love you anyway, and I love this gag.
Wow someone had a lot of time on their hands to do Lego Bible. I would like to see them try to do a Lego Quran but I bet Lego Mohammad does not exist.
Thank God we are not Lego People, Vive la difference!
Robert: I teach at one of the most prestigious undergraduate engineering programs in the US. The higher-ups (Dean and Company) do not want us to teach manufacturing because it isn't done in the US. There eyes are closed to product development.
THEIR eyes, isse3dtoo.
Yes Not Anonymous, that too.
I noticed that error right after it was posted. So I asked myself, do I delete it and repost it or do I let someone else point it out? Since I don't need to feel superior by correcting someone else's typos I decided to just leave it as is. But thank you for pointing it out. :-)
Buy watching the whether, to whiches sea that there day has gun from bad two worse. Whale, to bad it's bound too happen.
So who really cares, it is a comment section not a grammar lab?
"Since I don't need to feel superior by correcting someone else's typos I decided to just leave it as is."
No worries. You didn't have to correct someone else's typos. Just your own.
ISEE3DTOO - you just wrote a three paragraph response to someone correcting your spelling. Insecure much?
My Lego people all have no hands. I made the mistake of letting my son play with my Lego collection when he was 1. He decided that the Lego people should not be so neatly put together and took them all apart. I was able to find most parts but the hands are all gone since they are so small and easily lost/vacuumed up.
Anyone know where I can buy Lego people hands?
Now what will I post about?
Not Anonymous took my handle and is posting as, well, me. I guess we can steal pseudonyms now?
Prediction: Julie will now chime in.
What is up with these lame "comments"? Are some of you six years old?
Not to sound too serious here, but Legos are a Danish product :-) But I'm sure LegoLand condos have hit hard times.
Then why comment back if its lame? It was so lame that you read the whole thing and felt compelled to comment? Isn't that an insult, to be compared to a six year old?
Jeremy, you can get a Lego catalogue, and order missing parts. They have (or used to - my son is now 19 and only plays with Lego when no one is looking) sets of odd parts - body parts, wheels, doors and windows, etc.
was that my b double l o post?
I didn't have much Lego as a kid so I think I overcompensate by buying a lot of it for my 7 year old son. We often discuss building a real house out of Lego but I am haunted by the thought of coming home to find the kitchen disassembled during one of his regular impulsive renovation moments. http://williamloveslego.blogspot.com/
Not imnotlame is lame.
isee3dtoo: I'm sorry to hear that.
Thanks for the lego bible link, made my day.
There is now Quran in Lego.
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