CHNW and I went to a fun event in NYC the other night. It was a meet-and-greet sort of thing at Moo Shoes, a very cool vegan shoe and accessories store in the East Village.
The point of the thing was to meet Sarah Kramer, a world-renowned vegan cook who puts out killer cool cookbooks.

A lot of readers have emailed and asked me how they can find out what to eat if they become vegan. Sarah's books are a really fun way to learn to exclude products derived from torture from your diet.
Is that a Perogy Cat you're holding with the cookbook?
My husband got his vegan wedding shoes and belt from Moo Shoes, with handsome results. I mean, he's handsome anyway, but the shoes helped.
YES! That is Perogy Cat!! :)
Great to meet you! Hope to see you again soon.
That's one spunky looking lady. :^)
Question - Thanksgiving is coming, and my well-meaning mother in law is already starting with the "Lorie eats turkey, right?" questions. This morning she called my husband to find out what kind of fish to make for me. This is the same woman who made rice for me with beef stock. HELP!!
P.S. Your wife is really cute.
corpse-eating relatives can be a problem. Fortunately, mine get it and work hard to prepare good food for us. One thing you could do is suggest a couple of recipes and offer to help cook them. CHNW and I stopped going to meat-eaters' homes for holidays years ago, so that solved the Thanksgiving problem.
who's that dude in the pictures with you?
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