I'm always suspicious of these stories that all politicians tell that start with, "I remember the single mother of three in Detroit who told me..." I'm guessing the vast majority of those instances are made up.
Especially when the candidate telling the story is the lying, evil one, as opposed to the one I support.
I'm as cynical about politicians as the next guy, but I honestly think Obama is one of those extremely rare politicians who is in the game to actually help people rather than to feed his own ego and pocketbook.
Let's hope I'm right.
One final note: I hate the drawing of the guy on the couch in this cartoon. It's more-or-less supposed to be me and is probably the worst self-caricature I've ever done. The proportions are all wrong, I must have been in a hurry to make a deadline. Below is a quick sketch of what I wish it had looked more like. The proportions are a little funnier and much more accurate. Luckily, I look like a cartoon character, so drawing myself is usually no challenge.

When i first saw this comic I did notice that the perspective was a little off, even the TV and entertainment center look a little askew.
I remember doing perspectives in H.S. art class. They are hard to do. It seems like most of your cartoons are a straight on view, but I like how you mix it up once in a while.
Dan...i respect loaylaty and if someone gets a tatoo of that picture of you drawn close up well i wanna shake their hand
I asked my brother, the minister, not my brother the convict for selling drugs, oh, never mind they are the same brother.
But I asked my brother the minster if there was a book of stories the ministers used for the sweet stories they tell in church. And he replied "many of them". You have a sermon on turning water into wine and find 30 stories on that subject. Then you add... "....one day a young married couple told me this story about..." And your sermon is over.
So I asked my brother if ever used those books, and he replied, "After growing up in our family, man I can write the book". So no made-up fake stories in his sermons.
However, I bet there are books for those running for office as well as minsters.
lol if, indeedy.
and why don't people like Gandhi run for leadership offices? that's what i think about.
i noticed 'you' right away, both caricatures are cool.
Derek, you misspelled the word "loyalty." "LMAO"? Really? Some low-level senses of humor around here...
stoned or unstoned it dont take much to amuse me hahahah...remember i looked forward to hearing about fido'speperes ass and still do
True! You do look like a cartoon character! In a good way, of course. I would have tagged you as an artist even if I didn't know who you were.
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