This cartoon by Francesco (Dr. Bling, to his posse), isn't one that is meant to make you laugh out loud, but makes a great point in an amusing way. I like it a lot because I hate companies like Wal-Mart, and the general "corporatization" of America.
The Neo Cons began handing the country over to corporations in a huge way in 2002, though it has been a growing trend for decades. Corporations are by definition, amoral. Morals are something humans have (ideally), a corporation is a non-human entity the sole purpose of which is to make money. Making money is not always a bad thing, we all do it, but when a corporation can make bigger profits by abusing workers, animals, the earth, your health, it is almost its obligation to do so. While executives make record profits, pollution goes up, worker's rights and wages go down (or overseas), public health suffers, and the legal rights of citizens to defend themselves against the monolith are diminished.
With their limitless coffers, corporations continue to influence government to legislate in their favor, and the problem gets worse. They all but "buy" election results by putting their huge resources behind candidates who will give them their way. Before long, the corporation IS the government. Next thing you know, the Three Little Pigs are losing their house to crooked mortgage practices and you're in jail as a terrorist for taking a picture of a facility where animals are being abused for profit.
Damn, another blog complaining about the government instead of making you laugh. Sorry kids. Try this.
Great post!
Sorry, but I'm still laughing too hard from the 'Ouija Board interrogation' Bizarro to read this post.
Not exactly a strong effort by Ces.
good point nick...like i told dan himself if you Already had your own syndicated panel and anther cartoon attempting syndication are you really going to give an all out effort to someoe ELSE...NO!!1
I thought this was extremely funny the first time I saw it, and was amused again this time around. I think that some antil-Ces people don't appreciate subtle humor. On a different note, the oija board interrogation Bizzaro of today is my favorite comic I've seen in a long time.
LOL! Today's Bizarro is GENIUS! (in the voice of that annoying guy on the Jose Cuervo commercial)
Too true, Dan. How did you find a picture of my house?
I think that one of the most impressive feats of Obama so far is to get this far without major corporate and lobbyist $$. I have personally donated to him as have millions of US Citizens. People keep overlooking that but its is truly awesome in this commercial age. Hillary couldn't even do it, she took lobbyist money.
I love this one. Great comments, Dan... thanks.
Hey bobo - I've appreciated several of Ces's comics this past week. Is it alright with you if I vocalize my opinion on this particular comic?
great comic today it was funny..as for jeremy and dans opinion on oboma...i agree he has plenty of great points..and if he came through on everything would be greatest president weve had... but guys we live in america who goes on the electoral vote systenm you know where only 538 votes count ....441 of these people are educated WHITE MALES...there will be no black s or woman ever in office...sorry guys as a guy whos family has power in california...shwartenegger endorses mccain....there are 55 votes there... ohio is big on racism so there all mcains votes and of course texas is maccains stop wasting your breath guys ....and prepare for four 4 years of misery...you can argue this til your blue in the face presidential campaigns dont come down to democrats verses republicans it comes down to black verses white... men verses woman period...
Awww animal terrorism. Gotta love it.
Remind me why I am immigrating to your country again?
are we about done with this?
poor piggies. stupid wal-mart.
If fair is foul and foul is fair. I ask you then ,What's the difference?
Everybody, please, stampede to:
Watch it. Pass it around. It explains everything. Seriously. Like, EVERYTHING.
It's the best way you'll spend 20 minutes today.
ill never forget the first time i took my son fishing, he looked up at me and said dad this i what family is all about, i looked back and him and said son your special..then i cried
i'm all for your rantings about how much the government sucks. it at least makes me feel better about my own rantings, only you're a little better versed than i am.
and i loved all of Ces's comics! they of course were not Bizarro comics, but hey-- who expected them to be? actually, i think a couple people on here did, so allow me to move on and not expand upon the negative comments about Ces's work.
i added a new blog... @ www.myradiotoday.blogspot.com. i will be writing about my crazy follies as a producer at a news-talk radio station. read it or not, stop by or comment, i just like the traffic. peace my lovelies! and dan! ha.
Bravo. Encore. Other spanish encouragement.
Note Dan's original comment, "Corporations are by definition, amoral. Morals are something humans have (ideally)...". So you'd imagine any sane person would think, but this gets right to the point of what's bizarre here, and it's been around since long before 2002. The real bizarro is an 1886 Supreme Court decision, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, which held that that a corporation is a person, entitled to the legal rights and protections afforded to any living person.
Dan's talking cows and such have nothing on this for absurdity. But once you accept it, which our legal system has, Wal-Mart is inevitable.
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