Yes, this is a simple visual pun but I like that it requires a tiny leap of thought from the soccer player's socks to Charlie Brown's shirt. It is just surreal enough to engage me. I have a friend who hates puns of all kinds, categorically. I think she's missing an enjoyable category of humor. Puns can be many different things: obvious, original, surprising, idiotic, and occasionally sublime. They can also suck, of course.
Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, walked barefoot most of his life, ate very little food and had notoriously bad breath, which made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis.
Come on. That took some effort on somebody's part.
Special Note: Don't miss the next post, it's all about upcoming comedy shows in San Fran, Oakland, and Sacramento!!!
Puns are easy and unimaginative. They are the crutch of the unfunny.
You mean like "fran"-kly no one cares about your trolling opinion, fran.
Kudos, Bizarro Dan. Love it.
I'm not sure I'd call this a pun, but I do think it's funny!
But everyone cares about yours, "Dave-O"? Now put the headgear on and get back to your arts and crafts class.
this is the funniest cartoon in the history of cartoons til it was surpased by lumber jack ass
Fran, you loser, don't you know that name-calling is the crutch of the unfunny?\
Puns rule!
Just joking, right?
Does that make you severely handicapped?
Its not really a pun because the word brown is added in.
I know this goes back some days ago, but I just watched Poolhall Junkies. In case no one has seen it, some random 12 year old gets advice from a guy on how to pick up ladies. The guy swears by old spice and aqua velva working on the "ladies". The kid's reply was "that's what my dad uses." "Exactly" was the answer. Made me think of bizarro and my inexplicable reason to want to share this rediculous story. I guess if you can manage to make some girl marry you, you must have some intoxicating skills of attracting and keeping a woman. Hilarious.
Bless you, Peaches. It is my belief that slippery thoughts and slippery perceptions are at the very kernel of the humorous.
In the meantime, it is entirely possible that I am severely handicapped. You win, Fran.
Sorry, Dan. It must a pain to see your comments section hijacked like this, but the "blogosphere" seems to be rife with this sort of thing. Quite often the Enter key beckons more strongly than good sense.
I better stop before I make a habit of this.
Haven't been to this blog in awhile, have you Bradley?
Your blog notes & pictures only improved this cartoon. And to Fran: Good comics use a crutch, while bad comics have to rely on the crotch (sometimes with a thigh hanging from it) for an easy laugh.
you remind me of santa claus, because you sleigh me.
your embedded pictures keep knocking me off my chair... they're getting so much funnier. the sacramento almost made me get the hiccups, and i coughed a little afterwards. that means it's working!
Puns are low level humor. They are easy to come up with and require zero inspiration or creativity. Danny is putting all his effort into illustration at the expense of humor. This much is clear.
I don't think anyone who knew Mahatma Gandhi would describe him as fragile.
As for callous or bad breath - I don't think other than his 2 wives would have the insight or knowledge to make that call.
But then all that is not funny is it?
Puns are low-level because they're at the base of most humor.
(Wish I could remember who said that first, but I can't take the credit.)
Anyway, this comic cracked me up but good. Cheers!
Baltimore - puns are the basis of most humor, huh? Exactly where do you find your comedy? Aside from Bizarro and Rubes, of course.
Who ripped off who? Danny or his "buddy" Derek?
hahahahah how the hell did you get that who are the chicks...id bang em...
i dont know what url you could of pulled that from..hahahah
anyways yeah helped out dan but he did his own with the work...the guy is picky though i sent 1200 cartoons he liked about 14
hes sent me jpeg of his work where when i hit it i got a week of his bizarros..so idk...lets be careful:)
hey fran i checked that link....theres not a piraro on there it looks like just derek making loser attempt to be piraro
The link I posted was cut off by blogger, but it connected to your identical "Charlie Brown horse" comic. Both the gag and the visual were identical. Did you copy Danny or did he copy you? Because if he got it from you, I think it goes beyond "getting an idea for a comic" to flat out copying.
And, needless to say, there were quite a few Bizarro comics from the past few months that had identical versions by you. Which came first? Bizarro or Derek?
BTW, the "no goitering" comic - funny.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.. Can't we all just get along????????? I love reading the comics.. and I love reading what Dan is up to and his little ditties everyday... But geesh these blog comments seem to get so crazy some days... C'mon people it's a friggen comic.. and a funny one at that...
Then you should read Derek Amalo's comics, because that is where Piraro is getting his comics from.
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