I'm in Californy for some comedy shows and staying at a place with no Internet.
"No Internet?" you say incredulousy. "What the hell, Dan?"
I know. It's like living in the time of Lincoln. But we'll get through this together somehow, and before you know it I'll be back to posting daily.
Hope you're having a week of rainbows and unicorns. Or storm clouds and rabid rottweilers if you're goth.
I wish that you would have had a show in LA or Orange Counties. I would love to have attended. Hope your shows are sold out and a great success!
Dude, you are the shit. No joke.
Oh, and by "the shit" I totally mean the greatest cartoonist since Thomas Nast. Again, I ain't shittin'.
I love that she's holding out her hand to shake the trophy's ball. Nice touch.
First thought on this piece was maybe the trophy was not big but instead the people were short, really short. Makes sense in a bizarro world.
Wha....no phone either homeslice?
sooo, how did you post this comic?
the sj-r ran that one awhile back, and i did not really think it was all that funny. but this time around it got a laugh. maybe my prime needed to be pumped. wish i was with you californicate. i love SF and sacremento both.
Doug, by "SJ-R" are you referring to Springfield's paper? Or is there another SJ-R?
It is a relief to read the comments when there are no nasty, snarky ones attacking the comic and/or anyone else who is commenting!
I guess it is time to attack bobo...
of course theres no internet in jail guys....
i heard how he was heckled that dude deserved it..
piraro called me bail was 100k ....i gave him half of what he gave me fran ..for the lumberjack ass joke...it was the least i can do we help each other
dans alright now guys ...he hadnt shaved or showered afraid to use the prison bathrooms but well get him cleaned up and blogging again at least before his trial..
iknow...i know i got many letters him being in san francciso and all...there are millions of internet cafes he could of used but now you guys know the truth
please give to save dan fund...we love piraro
Isn't it nice when everyone says the Bizarro is perfect and there is no room for improvement in any way? This comic is dull and not funny. Sorry.
please guys dan cant handle any negativity...
hes still shaken up
FANTASTIC & BRILLIANT comment by Derek's day nurse.
Staying at a place with no internet?! Where the hell are you doing your show? Bakersfield?
i lik grafield and bizzarrro. they s funny.
i like how not having the internet immediately puts you "below" the standard. how sad is that?
we here in ohio have been without power for three days due to the high winds of hurricane ike (cincinnati winds gusts reached 84mph) and we are now declared a state of emergency. i consider myself lucky because i got my power back last night. but my dad and my boyfriend's parents have none, my best friends have none, my work is running on a generator (we're a radio/tv station, so we HAVE to have power), and trees and powerlines are littering our streets. it's pretty bad. and we weren't even at the brundt of the storm. galveston, tx is without basic necessities, like clean water and food. haiti was screwed a couple times and currently lies in ruins. piraro, you being without internet usage is not a bad thing, and in my eyes is not a necessity. the rest of us just need to realize not everyone is able to have such luxuries, even in the "richest" country in the world. we're falling quickly, ladies and gentlemen. you better get a grasp on what it is that's REALLY important and be prepared for the worst. if this isn't enough, let the gas prices and the crisis on wall-street step up your personal state of emergency. of course this is not to induce panic, just raise awareness that our every-day luxuries are just that. and all you NEED is food, water, and shelter.
Thanks for the lecture, nutjob. All Eddie seemed to be saying was that if the hotel Piraro is staying at does not have an internet connection, this really must not be a great gig. That is modern reality, like it or not.
I agree with you for the most part, I totally agree with you on Haiti and some other islands. In fact, I believe the US should not sink its old Navy ships but we should create an humanitarian Navy that follows Hurricanes and other natural disasters. The US has two hospital ships! We should have and need one in every major port ready on a moments notice not a three day notices and so on.
However, while I agree with you on Galveston being hell right and that you NEED food, water, and shelter. I don't believe that is all you need. (And no all you is love is not correct either). Those folks who didn't leave need a brain... Quotes like "...we lost our 2002 Ford Pickup, two Harley Davidson motorcycles, a washer, dryer, and freezer..." --That is almost a direct quote tells me that person had the resources to leave but not the brain to. I have been to Galveston and the houses are raised, must be for some reason for that besides parking under your house, eh? I do feel for the people down there, but if you have the resource to leave now and are not part of the team fixing the place, LEAVE do it now! If you don't you are part of the problem and need to grow a brain.
P.S. if you live the flood plain of the Mississippi and have had your house flooded out at least one time, MOVE!
"P.S. if you live the flood plain of the Mississippi and have had your house flooded out at least one time, MOVE!"
What a lovely, simplistic answer.
Obviously we've never been in a situation where we've needed to move and have not had the money necessary, have we.
Now you don't know whose toes you stepped on. I am the 6th of 7 kids, my little-sisters has downs, is legally blind, can't talk and so on. My mom was a stay a home mom until my sister went to school. During these times, as a kid I was forced by my parents to help pick crops for food-money (i.e. I was a farmer laborer at 6-years old), the house we rented was a $50 a month shack, no foundation, and had a tilt in the front room where if you spilled water it went down to the edge of the room and went out the crack in the floor to the dirt below. I remember my dad working 3 different jobs on some days. I moved so often the four oldest sibling all graduated from different high schools. So yes, I know what is it like to eat county food (be on welfare) and be uprooted and if you live a flood plain MOVE, stupid! There are other places that have jobs and welfare services.
Maybe having parents that lived in worst dumps than I did growing up made them want to move up in life but they sure taught me a lot on moving and painting houses as a kid. Every house we moved out of except one was cleaner when we moved out than when we moved in. The one that wasn't was because we only lived there one night, my mom didn't like seeing the 1000 roaches on the walls when she got up the first night we we moved the next morning. I don't blame her.
Yes, simple answer, rent a u-haul, don't buy smokes for a month, turn off the damn cable and MOVE! Don't expect Uncle Sam to save your sorry butt all the time.
listen[penny shit happens..
a couple weeks back i bragged here that a majority of my family lived in some of the most affluent towns in america, new cannan,ct,weston,ct,wilton,ct...but after yesterdays financial collapse more than half will be in bread and food line
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