Today's Bizarro is brought to you by the fine folks at Scary Things.
Okay, you're right, this is another pun. And I claim not to like puns but they seem to pop up a lot in my cartoons. Hmm. I guess what I mean is that I don't like obvious puns. Because of the visual of a Tricerotops with bushy red hair, this one steps out of the dark, groaning place and into a sunny place full of rainbows and unicorns that makes me smile.
If there is a reader of this blog who does not get this joke because you have not heard of the comedian known as "Carrot Top," stop reading now. You are a rare breed and need to be preserved. For the rest of you, let's talk root vegetables.
Though I do love carrots, I can't say I'm a big fan of Carrot Top the comedian. His jokes are all about visual puns and gadgets, very much from the Gallagher School of Comedy, and even though many are clever and some even make me laugh, it just isn't my favorite kind of humor. And in recent years he has gotten wacked out on steroids or something and has become visually frightening. When you add this "look" to his kooky/corny brand of humor, you've really got a wierd combo.
I can't fault the guy's business acumen, of course, he's crying all the way to the bank.
"visually frightening" doesn't even begin to describe it.
word plays, puns
its the kick i thought you were on :)
if you go to carrot tops wikipedia..you will se hes listed as unfunny
see unfunny
also see gallagher and regis philbin.
see also Piraro's weak pun comics.
I saw a photo of Carrot Top recently...I thought it looked like he'd had some bad facial surgery done.
Scary monsters.
super creeps
not one of your funniest
He's becoming the Michael Jackson of comedians.
except that michael jackson used to actually be cool. thriller is still "the bomb."
if that guy carrot top can make it...anybody can make it!
Carrot Top gives me nightmares.
I liked Gallagher when I was a kid. His humor was perfect for the 8 year old me.
"Me Love You Long Time"
Hey, love the potato penis. Its wonderful when nature imitates art.
I have no problems with puns, but carrot top is one creepy guy! He is nice though, he's always helping out Gene Simmons when he gets into jams.
About Carrot Top-me either-He's frightening-and Gallagher either. I do like the Amazing Jonathan-he's got that same kind of humor but actually funny.
what the holy bible happened to carrot top?? this is what i get for not watching television or reading the tabloids. somebody slap some sense into carrot top before he hurts himself more. good gravy and giblets, those images have scarred me.
yea he used to be this little squirly kid with equally silly hair, that nobody wanted to see because his humor wasn't all that great. now all he has is his goofy hair and nobody wants to see him because he's creepy looking. if he's not careful, he'll end up looking like this guy.
id like to start a topic if anyone has any guts. Whats the biggest crap you ever took?
14x3 = 42
Which I thought was the meaning of life the universe and everything. You never know. (Yes I know what Don and the idiot above him are referring to).
hey. shortcake. he already looks like that...
I think that one was funny. LOL. Those bushy red hairs of Triceratops were unique huh! And I was not able to hear any about the Carrot Top the comedian. I will try to search on it.
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