If you're alive in America right now, you've probably been invited to a foreign wedding. This seems to be the new trend, I've been to four in the past three years.
Even though I poke fun of foreign-destination weddings in this cartoon, I actually kind of like them. Unlike people with real jobs, I can usually afford to get away for a while and I fly so much that I have lots of frequent-flier miles. They are usually three-or-four-day parties and fairly spectacular.
One thing I've noticed over the years, however, is that the more money a couple spends on their wedding, the shorter the marriage tends to last. That's not always true, of course, but I have a general theory that if it is important to you to make an MGM musical out of your wedding, chances are it is disguising some insecurity about the relationship.
Before you start filling the comment box with examples of that not being true, remember that it's just a general rule of mine and carries no legal weight or obligation. Your results may vary.
My stepson & his wife got married on the highest mountain on Timor Leste (East Timor) the week this cartoon was published.
Coincidences have been called "God's puns." Carl Jung would call this coincidence synchronicity. I call it a hoot, and gleefully forwarded it to other family members who could not attend. . .
Thanks, Dan !
My fiancée and I are kind of having a foreign marriage, but not deliberately. She's from Australia, I'm from Norway, but we both live and work in the Netherlands; so we are getting married in the Netherlands.
I like and hope your theory is correct, because our marriage is very simple, because we are doing it for us, not as a show for everyone around us.
since marriage is a 50 50 proposition you could make up any rule...like brides that where thongs are more likely to get a divorce. or men that don't have a bachelors party will get divorced..it's all true..
Too funny. It kind of reminds me of something you might see over at the Stuff White People Like blog.
I agree that even though it is easy to poke fun at out-of-country weddings, it would be fun to attend one. I've never had the chance to do so, myself.
My husband and I had a very low-budget wedding 25 years ago and are still stupid crazy for each other.
Cheap rules!!!!
We had a foreign wedding just to make sure nobody would come. It worked out nicely.
You made me Smile!! :<)
A gal in my spin class just handed this to me... and then we had the cheap wedding conversation.
Here! Here! To marriage on the cheap!
... almost 18 years since we eloped.
I like the the idea of having a marriage so far away that no one bothersome would/could make it.
29 years ago next month we eloped. No wedding gifts, no announcements, no nothing. We didn't even tell our folks until our first anniversary.
Every expensive wedding we've been to has ended in divorce. I'm sure some people have big weddings followed by a lifetime of bliss, but I don't think that starting out your married life with huge bills, and requiring all your friends to spend a bunch of cash, is going to help you when times get bad.
My mom and aunts and uncles all brought this cartoon to my attention when I visited them last weekend. My husband and I eloped last year, but we're having a vegan/feminist/atheist wedding in two months that will, of course, be outdoors. Too bad I can't afford to do it in another country. Plus, as much as my family drives me nuts, the whole point of a wedding is to publicly share your relationship with your friends and family, so making it prohibitive to attend would defeat the purpose for me.
Anyhow, I love it when my meat-eating relatives get major chuckles out of your cartoon.
Gulf Shores Beach Weddings are also a great place for the Desination brides and grooms. Love the Cartoon !
All love Destin Beach Weddings are romantic at MGM studios
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