This is an old cartoon from '04, and one of my favorites of the past few years. I like cats, but find their personal habits disgusting. True, even after years of yoga, I can't lick my own butt so I guess I shouldn't criticize. But I feel fairly confident that even if I could, I would refrain.
And the fact that they swallow so much hair that they barf is beyond belief. I get one piece of hair in my mouth and my head turns inside out.
Cats clearly hate to be wet, but they'll slather themselves with saliva if you drip a couple of drops of water on them. Is saliva not wet to them? Is there a difference between the sort of wet that water and saliva possess, that we humans cannot perceive?
One of my cats often slinks along the back of the sofa when I'm watching TV and licks the top of my head for several minutes. Even though it's pretty disgusting that my head is covered in cat saliva and she's using the same tongue she was just licking her butt with, I let her do it because it feels good.
Maybe that answers why they lick their butts.
Ha ha that's brilliant. I've never seen that one before.
I haven't owned a cat since my ex-wife's cat barfed all over my NHL game for Sega Genesis. NEVER yak on a man's hockey game.
I love people who can make me laugh...
and so early in the morning too..
before coffee....
and on a work day....
That's why this is the first thing I do everyday... (well ok.. I pee first.. so it's technically the second thing I do..)
Hey Dan...
Been reading your strip ever since it was created. Most of the time it's the funniest thing in the strips (sometimes a tie between you and "Real Life Adventures" lol)
I grew up around cats and only when they weren't around anymore did I become allergic to them...sux. But the Egyptians worshipped them for a reason, right? I think it's because they would always find the highest place in the hut and lay there as if to say "Look up HERE...here I am...you have to worship something, it might as well be me!"
Stupid cats.
aawwww....kitty grooms the top of your head for you!! so sweet!....or does she think it's your butt and she's cleaning it for you? hhhmmmm.
does this need an emoticon so you know i'm merely teasing?
Brilliant post.
I too is amazed by how cats are called "clean" when they cover themselves in saliva and lick their own butt.
Still, I love cats.
I really love that one!
Re: Egyptians worshiping cats.
A dog says, "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. You must be God."
A cat says, "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. I must be God."
Always look for the pie! Hey, check out Pie of the Month Club
why don't you let it lick your butt? that might even be funner.
Isn't that very image on one of your NEW BIZARRO TRADING CARDS? AVAILABLE AT http://www.bizarrotradingcards.com
This image is a personal fav of mine.
I own every set of your trading cards! They have these cool puzzles too on the back when you put 21 cards together.
You hate zoos, but you have your own "mini zoo". You are keeping a cat.
jeff...my cats are free to come and go as they please and don't live in a cage. To my mind, that is the difference. I've often said that the only two species fit to be human pets are cats and dogs. They seem to like us. Anything else will head for the trees if you let them go. : )
is that a stick of dynamite in the bottom right corner?
"is that a stick of dynamite in the bottom right corner?"
Dan, maybe you should have a link at the top of your blog to the web page where you explain your pie/dynamite/bird/etc. icons..
"Dan, maybe you should have a link at the top of your blog to the web page where you explain your pie/dynamite/bird/etc. icons.."
You will find that info here:
i just like to stir the pot sometimes :)
expect more..... giggle
Hah. Before I was born, my mom took her cat over to a friend's house. The friend had real fur on one of her coat's collars, so then the cat began grooming it.
I feel sad because for some reason, shortly after I was born, the cat wandered off and died. :( But she was old, at least.
Yes cats and all species of cats hate water and getting wet.
But it is so hot in India that the BIG cats - the dying Indian Tiger actually gets into a pond all of his own freewill and takes a bath to cool his belly.
Isn't that cool - a cat that likes to swim
And then comes the coffing...
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