(Click image to enlargenate)
Just got back from South Dakota and wow, what a trip. Can't really go into it in detail here, maybe someday, but the sites were beautiful and I got to spend a lot of time climbing thick, forested mountains alone, which proved essential for my emotional well being.
This cartoon came from my wondering what might happen if Superman fell asleep while flying. I'm notorious for not being able to drive for more than an hour without conking out and though I've never had an accident, I've taken a few unexpected side trips through scenic roadside culverts.
I despise car trips anyway, so there is no love lost. But with airlines becoming more expensive, less reliable, and increasingly inconvenient because of our great nation's idiotic security system, I hate to fly, too.
More all the time, I just want to stay home. Fortunately, I live in a city where you can never run out of new things to see and do. Someday I may hole up in my house like Howard Hughes and die with long, white hair and beard and fingernails the length of shoe strings.
Just got back from NYC. My trip back to CA was by way of Denver, then Orange County, and finally San Francisco. Kids were not amused. That is all.
I couldn't find the blog but was handed the newspaper clipping where you wrote something in a cartoon that was very offensive and not humorous at all. "This petticoat is made from organic cotton, picked by free range slaves." Then you go on to say, "Feel Good Marketing of the Civil War Era." Being an African American male, this is an insult. I would like to hear what your frame of mind was when you wrote this so I can understand where you are coming from. I can be reached at mking@friendshipwest.org. I look forward to your response. Rev. Marcus D. King
It's nice that they think about "my" security, but when I'm also seen as a possible terrorist, I'm not amused at all.
I also hate those "random" searches.
how do you know superman sleeps? us earthlings want to know?
I find it extremely Ironic that when attempting to access the image link for security, I receive a 403 Forbidden message.
that comic reminds me a tad of hancock...
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