Bizarro is brought to you today by Dubious Travel.
Day two of my Journey into the
Bizarro Archives.
The first cartoon shown here is from a few days ago and I like it. So did a woman who wrote to me to say her husband is very funny and she
looks like hell as a result. Sorry to hear that and congratulations. I once read that most women rank humor and intelligence above looks and money when it comes to choosing a mate. This is the one and only reason I have been
successful with attractive women, for I am no
George Clooney in either looks or money.

The next cartoon is from the late 1900s. This was drawn at a time when I was on my "Mooch Book Tour," one that was funded entirely by my readers. I visited around 15 cities on donated plane tickets, stayed with
Bizarro readers who had volunteered to drive me around, feed me and let me stay at their house. Some had nice guest rooms, others put me on the couch on in their child's room. (sans toddler) At one house, I slept in a pink bedroom with Little Mermaid sheets.
I wrote a book about it, which is long out of print but I still have a box or two of them. If you want one, I'll sell them for $15 each, signed. Just a little way to clear my closet space and make some cigar money.
You may notice the hirsute man at the back of the line. That is a self-portrait from the period. To add to the impact, I've posted here a publicity photo from '95 as well. I painted the big pink sign and cut a hole in it for my head. I thought is was
That concludes today's trip down memory lane. I hope nobody got car sick.
Be very interested in buying a copy - do you take Paypal?
@agony...PayPal is my preferred method of payment. My I.D. is my email address, which can be found on
Most women rank humor and intelligence above looks and money when it comes to choosing a mate.
Thank God I have all four. Do I hear an amen!
I'll buy a book (I'll even pay extra) if you sign it "To Phardt: I admit it, 9/11 was in inside job! Veganly yours, Dan."
Either that or you have to include a note explaining what the firecracker means, because you didn't explain that one on your site.
That would be a pretty cool thing to have...
Off that topic, don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy bizarro, otherwise I wouldn't be checking and commenting on this blog, but I just realized what it is that I miss about the early bizarros- they're more surreal. Not in a 'how strange, that person isn't behaving like they normally should' way but in a 'why is a dog writing a book? oh, and there's a joke too' kind of way. What I liked about it was it made me think of bizarre things (what would dogs write about..).
Your new stuff is funnier, though.
great stuff. I wasn't expecting to laugh out load like this after seeing the first picture:)
Hi Dan. I used the donate button to pay $15 by PayPal. Hope international postage to Wales isn't too expensive - if it is and you want some extra to cover it, then just say!
Hey, I've got a copy of Bizarro Among the Savages, too -- anyone want to buy it? I enjoyed reading it.
@phardt...happy to comply, but it'll cost you $20. Yes, I can be bought.:o)
@Jongudmund...yeah, I forgot that people from other countries are reading this blog. If you're in the U.S. the price is $15. If you're not, it might be a few bucks more. I won't charge you extra, though, since I didn't think of it until after. No biggy.
Hey Dan - I hope you're going to make sure you copy Phardt's inscription exactly. Typo and all :D
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