I'm hoping to publish a book of my super hero cartoons in the next year so this topic has been on my mind. I like this gag a lot; parodies of blues songs are always fun.
The Sunday cartoon posted below is about another favorite subject of mine: pinatas. (I wish I knew where the squiggly thing is on my keyboard so I could write this correctly.) I love dogs, but dogs full of candy might be even better. The stuff that comes out of real dogs is pretty much the opposite of candy.

(click the images to make them big-like)
Since I've been posting old cartoons from my archival dungeon, here is one that isn't that old but I love the gag and it seems refreshing during a heatwave. Hope you enjoy it and for all you meth-heads out there who are losing your teeth, try switching to hot chocolate.

About the tilde, the squiggly thing, if you use a Mac, it's a key combination: Option + N, then type the N again.
For Windows, you're on your own.
Easy! Every time you want the word "piñata", just come back to this comment then copy and paste...
No? Then you'll have to do it the hard way.
Glad to be of service. #;-)
Piñata! Thanks, MacSmiley! And thanks to you, too Simio. But the keyboard trick did the trick.
Another keyboard trick is using the letter 'k' in the correct spot.
I new you'd care.
@Neil J Murphy...very funny, got a chuckle when I found the typo. Now that I've repaired it, though, YOU look crazy. Ah hahahaha hahhhaaa ha haa ha!
The doctor in the last strip is very B. Klibean looking...
I am much cheered by the idea of a book of superhero bizarros toons. How about one of Superman meeting 'Bizarro Superman' and asking 'Do you know Dan Piraro?'
Too self-serving? Could be the back cover.
We have the pirate book in the bizarro section on our cartoon books shelf.
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