Yes, this joke is a bit adolescent, but at least I didn't use a basketball. I do have some restraint. Nor did I use a baseball, which, come to think of it, might have been funnier. A golf ball would have been too small to read legibly, as would a hockey puck, which is not "cup shaped" even when cut in half. If her husband were hooked on watching sumo wrestling, I'd have no idea how to illustrate a sports bra for that.
Still, lots of people like visual puns, that's how Carrot Top got rich, and I like to cater to my entire readership, not just the sophisticated humor connoisseurs who frequent this blog.
Well, I am humbled, to be in the presence of humor connoisseurs (I couldn’t spell that word so had to look it up). I’m not sure that I’m a big enough a@@hole yet to hold such an honor, but can work on it, if necessary.
I like the sports (football) bra. I don’t think a baseball or golf ball would have worked as well, because they aren’t hollow on the inside, but readers could have a different opinion. Basketball idea was funny too (or soccer ball for Europeanists).
Just curious why you drew the woman holding the bra so she appears less attractive than her friend. I mean; her nose is so long, it looks like she could use some kind of support for it as well.
I'm not sure of the meaning of "Victoria's Puck." That went right over my head. I guess that means I'm not yet a humor connoisseur.
This one is one of my favorites. So much so I passed it along to all my friends. Some times simple humor is the best. I say good job you are the highlight of my morning comics.
I winced when I saw this in the paper, then I threw up in my mouth when I saw it in this morning. Is this supposed to be performance art or humor?
Thanks for the update, FIDO. I was wondering if he was still virgin or not. I know how much of a temptation it is to take his black cherry.
Keep up your resolve, pal. You can do it!
just call me juvenile:
This is great,anonymous is back.
...and maybe have a Balco price tag still attached to the bra? To help enhance and lift...
haha i really like this one
"Victoria's Puck" is a pun on Victoria's Secret. It might have been more obvious if I'd used Victorias "Pigskin," but that term repulses me so I chose puck.
...but if they were soccer balls, then the "Victoria" could reference Victoria Beckham.
When did I leave?
Carrot Top scares me.
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