Just got back from Tulsa a few hours ago and it's great to be home. A glance at my calendar induced euphoria when I saw that I am not scheduled to leave town again until the end of May. This may be the longest stretch of uninterrupted living in my own home in the past five years.
I'll be posting some photos and stories about my fabled trip to the near-middle of the country in a day or so, with tales of a visit to my old high school and the disturbing memories it conjured. We also had a very interesting time Tuesday in a little Oklahoma town called Guthrie.
Meanwhile, here is this cartoon from last week, which I'm not entirely sure about. I thought it might be fun to have a guy with a live web link on his face, instead of a mustache. But in color, if it's the proper bright blue it doesn't really look like a mustache, and if it's darker it doesn't really look like a link. Maybe it works anyway. Someone wrote to me who really liked it and wants to put it on his web page or in a newsletter or something, so at least one person liked it.
I'll be blogging regularly again now, but this one is short because I have to go watch Lost on ABC. I'm hooked on that show, perhaps because it is like a soap opera written by Salvador Dali. Or maybe it's just the crush I have on Evangeline Lilly.
if you like evangeline lilly, you should probably check this out:
Interesting to read that you grew a 1975 white kid Afro hairstyle in high school. I'm cool with that, but if you tell me, that you sported a 1980's style mullet, I may need to look into some kind of professional therapy treatment to help me cope.
I liked this cartoon for the most part. I find it strang how you drew their faces kind of scrunched up like that. Maybe this was done inadvertently while focusing on making the moustache link work out.
Funny - I have a crush on Salvadore Dali.
i'm going to have to agree with prospero on this one; dali is pretty fantasmical. evangeline lilly pad, on the other hand, seems to be having difficulties matching her undergarments properly, being trapped on a mythical alien island is no excuse.
also i do not understand why the generously large man on lost is still so large and "in charge"? my roommate informed me that the writers of lost wrote in a giant pit filled with candy bars and cheetos™, an attempt to explain to viewers why he is unable to shed those extra man pounds despite being on an island free of hydrogenated food sources.
what a comical stretch. lost is lost on me.
I got it, and liked it. Are link-dude's eyes supposed to look like @ signs?
What the hell is up with the disembodied arm jutting out from underneath the bar?
Actually it's an optical illusion. The bar hides the fact that the forearm is actually connected to the upper arm by means of an elbow which is hidden from view (that is the magic part)
Hey anonymous, I gotta ask you this, are you like Dans ex wife or something. Your always the first person to blog on here. Maybe one day you'll be a real syndicated cartoonist yourself.
Didn't Isee3dtoo say somethign like that a while ago?
bbonds must be his alt
Holy crapola, I asked the same thing a month or two ago. Anonymous fascinates me since they spend inordinate amounts of time tearing Dan's tuff down, always one of the first to post, always negative.
what happens if he touches it himself?
I nearly had an anxiety attack when they mentioned you looking at a 34 year old picture of yourself. Folks have GOT to stop reminding me that the 70's were 30 years ago...it doesn't sit well with my arrested development.
bbonds - what are you talking about? When is the last time I posted first? Listen, we all understand that your insecurities flare up whenever someone taints your ideal world with a negative comment, but the time has come for you to deal with it. Piraro's comics have, for the most part, been crapped out the past few months and if it is feedback he wants with a comment section, that is what he will get.
BTW, I am far from the only person sharing this opinion of the comic. And you have no idea if I am a syndicated cartoonist or not. But keep at it, kid!
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