World-famous cartoonist, Dan Piraro, at a Halloween party in 1991 wearing a costume of his own design, holding a baby who was not. (of his own design)
Okay, I'm putting myself on the line here by telling you I'm involved in an auction. I say "on the line" because if nobody bids to have lunch with me, I'll look very unpopular, at least with people who have easy access to NYC and are willing to pay over a $200 to have lunch with somebody who is not a prostitute or an elected official. Not including food.
Come to think of it, that's seems pretty steep. Now I feel a lot of pressure to be enchanting and fabulous at lunch, if someone does bid. Why do I get myself into these things?
It's for a good cause, so bid away, even if you have no intention of meeting me for lunch. Here's my auction: Lunch with a Loser
Here's the other auctions for the same charity: People More Famous Than Dan Piraro
Just like the scene in the movie Groundhog Day and you are Larry? No?
I bid $3,000, but you must take Victor i stole my jokes from myspace rivera
For that kind of money I say you should eat meat. >:)
That is a fantastic costume!
you are much sexier than ali mcgraw... plus you could doodle on the table cloth and the person would get art as well...i could only take you to lunch if you lived in peoria..can you imagine what your meds would look like if you lived in peoria...pill would be bigger than you...
That mask is just creepy o.Ô
What might alarm a few potential bidders is the possibility you show up to lunch wearing the 1991 Halloween costume.
I was joking. Of course you wouldn't wear an extremely large Halloween costume head to a meal. It would be funny however.
Good luck on the bidding! I would enjoy doing it if I were closer to New York.
Is that kid grown up and in therapy yet?
teal? i thought you mentioned you hated the color teal (not to be confused with the musician seal)? heehe and yet there you are, standing before us all dolled up in a big headed teal costume holding a baby!
the things you get yourself into!
folks, this is fantabulous opportunity, unbeknownst to many fans, dan is a one man party machine, a cloud perpetually floats above his head and it constantly rains confetti on him. everywhere he goes, he leaves behind a trail of brightly colored party paper! sometimes the paper gets in his drinks, but that is why he always wears a brimmed hat! ah ha! this you did not know, i bet! he tediously photoshops it out of all his photos, only because people would think he photoshop'ed the confetti cloud in.
i once had a meal with him and ordered so much food that the plates kept falling off the table, like a big greek wedding, plates smashing to the floor because none of us could eat fast enough, just imagine the episode with lucy and ethel and the conveyor belt of chocolate! absolute madness!
least to say, whoever gets to have lunch with dan, will be one lucky son of a gun! i have heard if you tap his left shoulder three times, he will sing barbershop cortet songs! wowza! all the best to the lucky winner!!
back to big headed costumes, i am a fan of frank sidebottom, blimey!
...Man. Steep, dude. Steep. How about you have a random "i'll have lunch with a crazy fan for 25 bucks" charity, you'll get more responses, more lunches, you can put the money toward whichever charity you like, AND I might actually have a chance at it.
I'm Genius.
Here's the catch. The link is labeled; "Lunch with a loser" At first, I thought he was being self deprecating. Then it suddenly hit me; he means the person who is rich enough to pay 250 buckaroos to buy him something to eat is the real loser. (please don't get angry Dan, all meant in fun).
i would have bid but i live far, aww, good luck though!
you should bring them an original copy of one of your drawings when you go to lunch.
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