The cartoon at left is what I originally wrote and wish I had published. But when I sat down to ink the idea, I decided for some lame reason that it would be better to have both the therapist and the patient sobbing because we're all up this creek without a paddle together (Paddles stolen by W, boat built by Haliburton, leaking profusely), so I drew and published the version below.
As soon as I saw it in print, however, I wished I had gone with my original instinct, which is a quieter, drier joke. Bummer.
As for the idea itself, I am a great admirer of BaRockStar Obama and think he is exactly the right person at the right time. (Although 8 years ago would have been an even better time.) One of the things I admire most about him is his courage under fire. The guy stays cool against unimaginable odds, when everyone else around him is pointing fingers and

Meanwhile, I thought it might be funny to depict him breaking down and sobbing under a couch in the privacy of a therapy session. I know I would.
Ok, so that WAS Obama under there. I wondered about that.
I have to admit, this cartoon puzzled the heck out of me, Dan. I didn't realize why he would be sobbing, but now that you explain it, it becomes apparent that you are talking about the economy?
The even more puzzling part is what you pointed out yourself, the guy is a Rock. He is cool under fire, not a sobbing mess. It is hard to see Obama under a chair sobbing. That's something a pussy like GWB would do.
Good try though, I dunno if the first cartoon would have made more sense to me or not without you explaining it was a critique of our economic situation.
So you saying Dan was bashing obama.
What is with the pie pictures in the links? I was hungry before I read this post, now my stomach is growling like none other. I hope you and your secret pie sponsors are happy!
At first glance, I didn't notice the President under there & thought the psychoanalyst was talking to the room (the White House) itself.
well this blog proves to be really valuable to me...i must look at the comics way to fast because i did NOT see the guy under the couch and so it takes on a much more bizarro meaning...possibly sick or perverse..
but i get it now is that a subconscious reference to when jim baker went to jail? the guards kinda had to drag him out...
Both versions are fine. And funny. It depends on what types of therapists you've found yourself receiving therapy from. Some like to be in control. Some will get down on the floor and join you for a good cry. I like the double meaning of difficult position...could be the actual physical act of crawling under the couch.
A few days ago you were worried that you missed filling in the space between the turtle and the blueprint. Today people are telling you they didnt see the body under the couch.
Like people at an art exhibit who take more time to read the little card with the artist & title on it than they do looking at the work it refers to.
Neither version is funny
Doris doesn't like it. Or she LOVES irony.
Dan, you can't blame just Bush for the mess we're in. Our country's been in trouble for at least the last 40-45 years. Don't expect any major improvements under Obama; in fact, I'd suggest you prepare for more of the same old crap.
Im hoping your wrong. But I fear you are correct.
Yes, it's all BUSH's fault--he's the one who created our dependence on oil, invented the scam that is known as credit cards, first allowed lobbyists and old, corrupt congressmen to control Washington, put the idea of greed into all the corporate honchos, used all those Iraqi WMDs to force homeowners to buy houses and cars and ipods and videogames and vacations and more cars and lattes and cable and computers and more cars and bigger houses and dvds and bluerays and new cellphones and iphones and other crap they can't afford. yes, yes, we know--it's all BUSH's fault! oh, the humanity! oh, the evil. never before in human history. never even thought of in the golden age of the clintonian utopia. surely never to be revisited in Obamalot. Don't worry, it's Obamaman to the rescue!
Only HE can cure that pesky thing known as human greed. Bankers and investors and hedge fund traders and CEOs will be emptying their wallets before the poor at the mere sight of Jesus H. Obama. No one will go hungry, for HE would never allow such a tragedy. Oh, the glory. Oh, HE will save us. OH! OH! OHHHHH! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on. Marching to the halls of congress where no lobbyist shall heretofore have any undue influence. HE shall end all suffering in Cuba, Afghanistan, Darfur, Somalia, Congo, Kenya (his homeland, of course), Mexico, Bhutan, Burma, Nepal, and everywhere. HE shall end the suffering on Wall Street, Main Street, my street, your street. Our streets will be paved with gold, oh, glory! Oh glory, Obama!
Ohhhh, when will we learn?
I might be out in left field with this comment, but what if Obama had been sitting in the therapist's chair with the psychiatrist laying down and OBama trying to stop him from crying, using the same caption.
I just thought everyone is expecting him to be a miracle worker and solve everyone's problems. The doctor could be thanking him while he' sobbing.
I believe the whole White House staff is under therapy after George Bush has left.
I can understand it could undermine future hope for the economy.
nice blog
Annoy-a-mus: You are correct but the Bushies showed the world that we are an autocratic society masquerading as a democracy.
Why do I bother, but here goes.
Bush and the neocons didn't create greed, but they deregulated it. The basic Republican belief that a totally free market is what's best for the country is what caused the Great Depression and what is at the root of the current World Depression. Under this system, a tiny minority gains extreme wealth and power, the rest of the country – and in Bush's case, the world – go to hell.
If you turn off Fox News and read some history, you'll find this to be undeniable.
Dan: Deregulation was NOT the cause of the great depression. There were multiple factors that led to the depression, but the excuse is parroted time and time again by people who hate capitalism and the free market.
I'd recommend looking through an issue of Reason magazine or visiting the Cato Institute's website to clear up some of your misconceptions. Thank you
Regulation would work well if that system, like the government as a whole, had checks and balances. However, if the regulators and those they are regulating are in bed together, as is often now the case, then there is no recourse for action. Take for example, the insurance industry in Texas. Most insurance companies in Texas (and there are several big ones based here) are insolvent. However, the Texas State Board of Insurance has been made into a powerless entity that merely reports because the governor of Texas, Perry, has extreme $$ ties with the insurance industry. So, when things like this happen on a national level with industries like banks, steel (read your history there, Dan!), health care, and so on, it results in bailout after bailout, and the rip off of the American people. These large companies donate equally to Democrats and Republicans so that they can manipulate either or both sides--that's common knowledge now. I'm not at all advocating for Republicans. All I'm saying is that the Democrats will offer nothing better. Heed the warning now. We need an entirely new design, one that isn't run on the darker parts of capitalism.
Anonymous: Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's far better than socialism or communism.
Josh, you're right...that's why Obama worries me. This nation is already on a path toward tyranny with Bush...now Obama only seems to be strengthening those positions.
At least we have wise cartoonists like Dan who are experts on politics to enlighten us.
Don't forget John Stossel, James Randi, and Penn & Teller. They're quite proficient at enlightening the masses, even though sometimes the masses don't pay heed to their advice.
Can you elaborate more on the "evils" of socialism? Also, my pastor gave a sermon on this 2 weeks ago, but was Jesus a socialist? (The pastor showed that he was/is)
Only a left wing fool would admire Obama.
Jeremy: I invite you to look here.
Two days later and I finally got that huge article read, now what? Do you still think Jesus would have us kick the poor to the curb and let the rich fat cats prosper? Or exactly the opposite?
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