(Can't read this cartoon clearly? Click it!)
Bizarro is brought to you today by Last Year.
Another year has passed and I, for one, am happy about it. Personally, I had one of the roughest years ever, but those problems mended as the year went on and the election results in November helped to end it on a positive note.
Here's hoping all of you have a terrific and prosperous 2009, unless, of course, you are a bad person who victimizes others, in which case I hope you get caught.
I know everyone is tired of hearing about politics, so am I, but six weeks ago when I drew this cartoon it seemed a good subject for the year in review. I particularly like the "In Pie We Trust" symbol on the bottom of the first panel. Maybe I'll offer that as a T-shirt at some point.
Oh, please offer the Pie T-Shirt at some point! The shield is a great bit of art, the Pie of Opportunity is a great and venerable symbol of your work, but all that aside... um, I really, really love pie.
These first six of your 2008 events not wildly reported were pretty good. I can't wait to see the other 2002 of them.
That is clever. Nice job
I haven't had pie in years!
this has inspired me!
*goes out to steal pie from small child*
PIraro made me do it!
This fucken board is so lame now, will the real anonymous show up ..fuck man fuck..
As most of you may know my grandpa or as they say in french pepere possesses a virgin ass
Pie T-shirt, eh? Make it so!
ahaha :p I always chuckle at your work throughout the day. check out my blog @ www.riotriotriot.com if you ever get the chance.
Best and worst again in 2009!
this one is awesome, d. I especially like the drunk guy in greenwich village. seriously, the government can not keep bailing out every dead beat. what happened to capitalism?! Piff Poff!!
Yeah, I agree. I'm tired of political Bizarros as well. Let's try humorous for a change.
i don't eat sweets but
in pie we trust is pretty funny
you sell t shirts...wow you could knock me over with well a pie.
hey SAYOTTE316....
you can't get enough of me can't you?
Sayotte316 didn't post here, Mike. Focus.
This one was so funny that I cut it out from the Sunday paper and put at my desk (in a cubicle, I live in Dilbert land). This past Sunday I cut out the one about the Rainbow beard. That made me LOL. I showed it to a friend who DID_NOT_GET_IT. I guess it takes a certain twisted reader to get all your jokes, irony and visual puns.
Yeah, it sure is a sophisticated brand of humor Piraro's doling out these days. Kudos on your superior intellect.
There was another political comic in todays bizarro..
i dont understand anonymous was just calling him an "editorial cartoon genius and future pulitzer prize winner"
It gives me such joy to know that you are mentally tortured by these comics on a daily basis. Please keep us informed of your anguish.
I look forward to your next gripe with great glee, 2009 has been fruitful so far.
Let's do the "in Pie we trust" logo shirt. Just send me the image and I'll get it up there asap!!
Your humble servent...monkeyboy
Thanks, Not Anon!
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