This is another of those comics that comes from a real life situation. One of my meteors was feeling poorly recently so I brought it to one of those McHospitals in the strip mall. You know, those places that are called things like "Medi-Quick" or "Bleed-No-More" or whatever, where med students at the bottom of their class end up.
Anyway, even though they would never admit it, they had trouble diagnosing what was wrong with my sizzling hot rock, and the scrip they gave us didn't do a thing. After another week, my meteor was feeling no better. It was then that I tossed him into the car and raced him down to Channel 6 to see an expert. The Action News Team's own Gil Watson and his AccuWeather Doppler Sky View fixed him up real good.
Thank you, Action News!
Maybe it's too obvious to point out, but "meteor" and "meteorology" of course are derived from the same source, a Greek word meaning approximately "high in the sky".
Also, the ancient Ptolemaic system of astronomy (you know, earth in the center, everything else spinning around it) had it that the stars were all stuck to a sphere that rotated around the world, and thus the expression "falling star" made no sense. So they explained meteors as an atmospheric phenomenon, much like clouds, rain or lightning.
That is, until very recently, the study of meteors was part of meteorology, not astronomy. Sounds obvious when you say it like that.
(that was my history-of-science geek-out moment for the day. I'm going to go eat some cheese-puffs now)
I really like that one. It made me chuckle and chuckle. I dunno. Maybe it was just residual joy left over from yesterday.
So stupid it is almost funny.
On top of that Oskar, once a meteor hits the ground it is then called a meteorite.
What was the diagnosis?
Kidney Stones!!!!! Sorry, had to say it.
hahahahah, a referral by Phil Plait; i'm so amzed at how connected stuff is, i expect to be hit by a meteor
But I'm a goner already, Daddy. I got that stuff from that meteor on me...and I'm a goner, ain't I? Daddy?
Thanks, Oskar. I love science and I love trivia, so you hit two of my favorite targets.
Former blogger
killed in car accident
where gonna miss you bud
hope you are having a good time in indianapolis...i was so set to see but life got in the road
by the way i do not know where you are staying but one of the best vegie restaurants in indie is the udupi cafe. its kinda hard to fine. its in a weird strip mall its indian/veg at 4225 lafayette rd.
again wish i could have seen you
I've always thought that Meteorologists should talke about Meteors and Meteor Showers more often than they do....
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