I have no idea where this cartoon came from but I love it. The idea of an old woman dressed in a shroud who wants nothing more than a scythe to go with her outfit makes no sense, I admit, but tickles me nonetheless.
Perhaps it was inspired by two bitter old women I have known in my own family, whose only delight comes from being a royal pain in the ass to everyone within earshot. It seems every family has one of these characters who uses guilt, complaints, self-pity, and a profound ability to sulk to impose their will on their "loved" ones.
Now that I'm older, I find these types humorous and pathetic but when I was younger, I, too, walked on eggshells to keep these cranky-pants-wearers happy. It takes some maturity and confidence to stand up to such curmudgeons, but their power lies entirely in other people's reticence to endure their foul moods. Like a schoolyard bully, however, their power evaporates if you don't buy into it.
And now on to a more cheery subject. As I type this, it is a mere 15 hours until W is gone for good and the Obama Era begins. I am experiencing my first patriotic feelings in my adult life, which officially began as Regan took office, and, dare I say, I actually feel optimistic. There is no doubt there are tough times ahead, but there is also a real chance for real progress on the horizon. Good luck to us all.
Yes, the age of Obama begins with horrendous traffic conditions as Obama-ites from all over the nation crowd to the dinky little "town" of Washington DC to view the inauguration. (...took me an extra hour to get to work...on FRIDAY!)
As a local resident that has been carefully looking at the 20 degree/snow flurry weather to come tomorrow, I've opted to stay at home and wave my little flag in front of the TV in support. ...I can visit the White House at a distance later. :P
Even great auntie can't guilt me to take her to this one. Brrrrr!!!
The cartoon completely makes sense to me! There's this saying amongst older ladies, "Over thirty-five? Accessorize!"
I love this cartoon, Dan - great job. Got curmudgeons in my family, too. They wear me down.
Long live the Obama Nation! Yes we can!
I share your feelings regarding W, patriotism, etc. I flew a flag for the first time in my life, on Election Day. I put it up again yesterday to honor MLK and it will be up again today to honor Obama. Here on the Left Coast, there are a lot of happy people that this day has finally come (and apparently W didn't do any really dumb stunts in his last few days)...
i think its pretty funny
I hope that Obama can bring about the reform our country needs, but I am somewhat hesitant. For some reason the Pete Townsend lyric keeps playing over and over in my head; "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." With luck, I'll be proven wrong...
Groan. Painful comic. You can do better, Piraro.
Obama has such a unique opportunity with all the support he's being given. People who either never voted before or gave much weight to the political promises are deeply invested in this man. It's a lot to live up to, but I look forward to where the next few days will go.
agreed. it's nice to be optimistic and patriotic for a change. :-D
Now that the inaguration is over and Obama's officially president, does this mean we can go back to being cynical and distrusting the government?
Regarding Obama: I've been crying tears of gratitude and relief pretty much non-stop for the past couple of days. I still can't quite believe this nation survived the past eight years.
Thank God, thank God, thank God!!!!!!!
I thought grandma was a Sith Lord at first, not the angel of death.
grandma is the sith lord and apparently a transvestite...don't judge her and her hooded moo-moos.
Jezzka: You get it. Meaning I bet a personal tour of NYC with you would have anyone in stitches if not a full body cast. :-)
Believe it or not, I gave my step-son and myself two expensive Austrian scythes to mow the fields on our family farm--we both consider ourselves "Trim Reapers"
Google "austrian scythes" on U-tube to see a beautiful girl in a long skirt mowing a field--poetry in motion ! This vid sold me on the idea of the scythes,
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