This cartoon is brought to you by AFGO. (Another F***ing Growth Experience)
I'm not the sort to buy into self-imposed myths like the power of profanity, but I like to keep this blog safe for all ages and sensibilities, so I dug out the asterisks for the above headline. It's been so long since I used one, I couldn't remember where I'd put them. Turns out one of my cats had eaten the entire bag, so I had to dig them out of the litter box.
As for this cartoon, because I'm not the sort of person who can keep anything to himself, I must tell you I've had trouble enjoying moseying lately, too. Some bad mojo stopped by my Brooklyn apartment to visit recently and I've been going to counseling to try to get rid of it.
I'm a big believer in counseling, it has saved my life more than once, and the therapist I'm going to now is the bomb. I'm not the Woody Allen sort–seeing a therapist regularly year after year for my entire adult life–I only go during a crisis, usually for a few months, then quit when I've solved my dilemma. The same way you'd treat your car.
I'm on the road to solving this crisis, but I'm metrosexual enough to admit it's been damned difficult, and I've spent most of the past couple of weeks feeling like something left in the yard by a passing dog.
There have been many times recently when I've wanted to give up and disappear, even give up my career and just wander off into the night, never to be heard from again. A self-imposed witness protection program. But the temptation passes quickly since I have no other means of making a living and I dislike sleeping outdoors.
I hope my blogs and cartoons haven't suffered (the comics written during this struggle will appear in a few weeks). I've always prided myself in being able to hide my despair from my readers and complete my appointed rounds without interruption. I went through a hideously painful divorce back in the mid-90s, I never missed a deadline and most of my readers never noticed a thing. But as a blog reader, you have unwittingly placed yourself into a special group of those privy to my most private thoughts: fair warning, free country, view at your own discretion.
For instance, when I was a toddler, I was convinced I was not one, but several girls trapped in a man's body. And the man wasn't even me. A story for another time, perhaps.
well, you have had a lot of cranky comments lately. however, we all have our moments, days and phases where we feel somewhat dark and funky and wish the world would behave and we could make ourselves invisible.
you'll emerge with your super-hero cape and all will be right with your world again soon dan.
until then, take comfort in knowing that at least one blog reader isn't scared of your recent moodiness.
feel better and rant if it moves you. we'll still be here. (insert emoticon of choice)
i actually thought that one was pretty funny. comedy is a dangerous business. having grown up with a best friend who was a stand up. and through him having met many more there is nothing as scary as making people laugh...think richard prior
What ginger said.
I've recently discovered your blog and love stopping by to see what you're up to.
Of all the animal rescues you've been part of, have you ever raised a baby skunk? I ran into a friend today who'se recently become a skunk momma. Just curious.
Hope this hitch in your gitalong works itself out soon and well!
Regards from a new and loyal fan.
best wishes dan....ive definitely been through some nasty crisis points in my life that stayed for a while. Somehow ive survived with my humour intact. Best of luck resolving it, even if that means venting through your work.
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me — speaking words of wisdom..."it don't mean sh*t to a tree."
Of course,I'm writing this from a community computer down at the Senior Center. My family hates me and I think one of the nurses is trying to poison me. So, maybe I'm not the best one to give advice.
i live in austin texas and just wanted to let you know that i'm a big fan of ur comic, problem is, my newspaper only does it in panel form. i've since sent a letter, requesting for the whole thing! no answer yet.... wanted to let you know that i read the funnies daily and the first thing i do is go all the way down to read your comic. (The American Statesman has you all the way down on the left hand page.) I dont think i've seen you on sundays...do u do them too?
My husband's uncle has a good way of looking at most of life's problems: "One year from now, you'll look back at all this and wonder why you wasted so much adrenaline."
i think you're entitled to your crankiness, and there's nothing anyone can really do or say to pull you out of your funk. but just know that there are lots of people that really like what you do and respect the messages you present.
has anyone ever mentioned that you look like a brunette dr. venture? and i really hope you've seen the venture brothers, otherwise you would have NO idea what i'm talking about. my boyfriend and i have been watching a bunch of episodes lately, and every time dr. venture comes on i'm like "MAN he looks like a red-headed dan piraro." and it would be totally awesome if you had someone like brock sampson at your immediate side...
Man, you've got to slam dunk that funk! Sh*t, did I just type that?...
Ah, best wishes, Dan. Hang in there. We love you. Surely the knowledge that a bunch of geeky smart people love you will help. Hopefully.
Hi Dan
I'm going through a pretty tough time right now myself and I have to tell you that reading your blog (almost) daily has been a godsend [atheist disclaimer and all] to me in the past few weeks! Thanks for the laughs! I hope someone does the same for you!
I discovered you in the mid-90s and I have been addicted every since. Congrats on that anyway! I hope you feel better and that all of these positive comments help you feel better.
It's rad that you're talking about counseling/therapy and going through low mood states and such. If everybody who went through such crises were encouraged to talk about 'em, we'd all see that almost everybody does, to some extent.
I hope you weather this crisis as best as you can hope, and that you continue to keep your cartoon going, because it's often a bright spot in my dark days.
I would also recommend "Comfortable with Uncertainty" by Pema Chodron. Heck, you're already a vegan cartoonist animal-lover. Might as well look into meditation!
Are we (you|me) supposed to be *happy* all the farking time?
Of course, I don't want anyone to suffer, and I am oh so grateful for your talents. And I agree with others who don't mind sharing the lower lows of life!
But bring it on! I try to swing through those moods, myself. I feel some measure of understanding, but I blame a lack of serotonin and vitamin D3. That, and quitting my teaching career of seven years -- I just had to get out, and transitions are hard!
Hope things get better.
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